CHECK Constraint Errors with Single vs Double Quotes in Azure Data Studio
I'm following the 'Design a Performant Data Model in Azure SQL Database with Azure Data Studio' module and have an issue with adding table constraints (Unit 7). In the Expression field in Azure Data Studio I'm putting as instructed: [card_type] = 'weapon' OR [card_type] = 'armor' OR [card_type] = 'spell' OR [card_type] = 'monster'
but get the error from the picture.
Weirdly while I'm using the single quotation marks, the error prints them as double quotation marks. It actually accepts the expression if I change it to: [card_type] = "weapon" OR [card_type] = "armor" OR [card_type] = "spell" OR [card_type] = "monster"
but throws an error later while trying to publish the database:
I've followed the rest of the tutorial closely and kept all the names and settings as instructed so I really struggle to understand where the issue could be coming from. Would appreciate any help :))
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