Hi Adam,
to your first question:
"I want to monitor the certs for certain period like ...want to monitor only 2025 certificates 2024 to 2025 certs only. is this possible or there is any overrides available ? Please advise."
The MP has many discoveries, which you can override, but non of them offer the possibility to override the issue or expiry date of the certificates you discover.You can use other certificate properties, which are overridable at the discovery level (page 13 from the Management Pack Guide).
To the second part:
This is doable, you simply need to override the respective monitors for that: "Certificate Expiry Monitor" Unfortunately there is no screenshot attached to this thread, but overriding this monitor should be a pretty simple task.
I hope this information helps you out. If not, you can always try the PKI Validation MP from Raphael Buri, I personally find it very useful and easy to work with:
PKI Certificate Verification MP
It comes with a detailed guide and also pre-defined, quick start override MP (.xml)
I hope this can help you out!