Hi @Eric Samuelson
Welcome to Microsoft Q&A, Thanks for asking questions here!
To delete old backups in Azure from an on-premises Microsoft Azure Backup Server (MABS) that no longer exists, please try with these steps:
- Azure Backup keeps deleted data for 14 days. If you've deleted a backup item, it may still be pending removal. You can wait for this period or contact support to speed up the process.
- If you have access to Azure PowerShell, run this command to stop the backup job and delete recovery points:
Disable-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtection -Item $myBkpItem -RemoveRecoveryPoints -VaultId $myVaultID -Force
This will mark the backup item for deletion and remove its recovery points.
- If possible, set up a new MABS with the same name as the original server. This will allow you to manage and stop the backup jobs directly.
- Ensure you're managing backups through the correct Recovery Services vault in Azure. You can check for options to stop backups or delete backup data.
Reference link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/backup/backup-azure-manage-vms
Please let me know if anything required!