Hi @SS97
While I personally haven't met this specific recommendation, I can tell you that you can automate the removal of the permissions. I personally wouldn't utilize a logic app but instead would use a PowerShell script. You can then use that script to either run inside a runbook that's scheduled through Azure Automation or host the script inside an Azure Function.
Below is a sample PowerShell script that you can use to get started and make necessary adjustments to fit your environment.
# Import any additional modules
Import-Module -Name Az.Resources
# Get all disabled accounts
$disabledAccounts = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "accountEnabled eq false"
# Inspect the users returned
# Get the user's role assignments
$roleAssignments = $disabledAccounts | ForEach-Object { Get-AzRoleAssignments -ObjectId $_.Id }
# Inspect the role assignments returned
# Remove the assignments
$roleAssignments | Remove-AzRoleAssigment