In March of last year Distributed Functions preview was announced for Azure Static Web Apps.
Initially, the documentation contained information about the new feature, but this information has since been removed. Now there is not a single mention of Distributed Functions in the Static Web App documentation. Even where you enable Distributed Functions there is a link to "learn more", which links to the following page where there is nothing about Distributed Functions:
As a side note, I remember the documentation stating that this feature is only for managed functions, which seems inline with the wording in the announcement. However, I see that the checkbox to enable the feature in the portal is also available with "bring you own" functions, and it can be enabled without errors. Presumably it does nothing in such cases and should have been grayed out...
Anyway, apart from the announcement there is really no information to be found about this feature, not even in the documentation. What is the status of this feature? Why is there no mention of the feature in the documentation anymore? It is not being abandoned, is it?