If you are using delegate permissions, you will need to have one of the "Reader" roles assigned. Alternatively, you can use application permissions (ReportingWebService.Read.All), details for example here: https://www.michev.info/blog/post/4067/modern-authentication-oauth-support-for-the-reporting-web-service-in-office-365
Roles required for fetching data from ReportingWebService API
Swarada Jalukar
Reputation points
I am attempting to retrieve data from Message Trace API(ReportingWebService) by utilizing, other than built-in : Security Reader and Global Reader roles. Can someone help me, in knowing any other built in role for fetching the data? Or it would be great if you can help in listing down the exact Permissions needed which are related to ReportingWebService API, so that atleast I can try out creating a custom role based on these.