Hi @Cloud_Geek_82,
You can use the PowerShell below to check user permissions and export the findings into a CSV file. Change the Parameters $SiteURL
and $User
according to your environment.
#Set parameter values
$BatchSize = 500
#sharepoint online powershell to get user permissions Applied on a particular Object, such as: Web, List, Folder or Item
Function Get-Permissions([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SecurableObject]$Object)
#Determine the type of the object
"Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Web" { $ObjectType = "Site" ; $ObjectURL = $Object.URL }
$ObjectType = "List Item/Folder"
#Get the URL of the List Item
$DefaultDisplayFormUrl = $Object.ParentList.DefaultDisplayFormUrl
$ObjectURL = $("{0}{1}?ID={2}" -f $Ctx.Web.Url.Replace($Ctx.Web.ServerRelativeUrl,''), $DefaultDisplayFormUrl,$Object.ID)
$ObjectType = "List/Library"
#Get the URL of the List or Library
$ObjectURL = $("{0}{1}" -f $Ctx.Web.Url.Replace($Ctx.Web.ServerRelativeUrl,''), $Object.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl)
#Get permissions assigned to the object
Foreach($RoleAssignment in $Object.RoleAssignments)
#Check direct permissions
if($RoleAssignment.Member.PrincipalType -eq "User")
#Is the current user is the user we search for?
if($RoleAssignment.Member.LoginName -eq $SearchUser.LoginName)
Write-Host -f Cyan "Found the User under direct permissions of the $($ObjectType) at $($ObjectURL)"
#Get the Permissions assigned to user
foreach ($RoleDefinition in $RoleAssignment.RoleDefinitionBindings)
$UserPermissions += $RoleDefinition.Name +";"
#Send the Data to Report file
"$($ObjectURL) `t $($ObjectType) `t $($Object.Title)`t Direct Permission `t $($UserPermissions)" | Out-File $ReportFile -Append
Elseif($RoleAssignment.Member.PrincipalType -eq "SharePointGroup")
#Search inside SharePoint Groups and check if the user is member of that group
$Group= $Web.SiteGroups.GetByName($RoleAssignment.Member.LoginName)
#Check if user is member of the group
Foreach($User in $GroupUsers)
#Check if the search users is member of the group
if($user.LoginName -eq $SearchUser.LoginName)
Write-Host -f Cyan "Found the User under Member of the Group '$($RoleAssignment.Member.LoginName)' on $($ObjectType) at $($ObjectURL)"
#Get the Group's Permissions on site
Foreach ($RoleDefinition in $RoleAssignment.RoleDefinitionBindings)
$GroupPermissions += $RoleDefinition.Name +";"
#Send the Data to Report file
"$($ObjectURL) `t $($ObjectType) `t $($Object.Title)`t Member of '$($RoleAssignment.Member.LoginName)' Group `t $($GroupPermissions)" | Out-File $ReportFile -Append
Try {
#Get Credentials to connect
$Cred= Get-Credential
$Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($Cred.Username, $Cred.Password)
#Setup the context
$Ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteURL)
$Ctx.Credentials = $Credentials
#Get the Web
$Web = $Ctx.Web
#Get the User object
$SearchUser = $Web.EnsureUser($UserAccount)
#Write CSV- TAB Separated File) Header
"URL `t Object `t Title `t PermissionType `t Permissions" | out-file $ReportFile
Write-host -f Yellow "Searching in the Site Collection Administrators Group..."
#Check if Site Collection Admin
If($SearchUser.IsSiteAdmin -eq $True)
Write-host -f Cyan "Found the User under Site Collection Administrators Group!"
#Send the Data to report file
"$($Web.URL) `t Site Collection `t $($Web.Title)`t Site Collection Administrator `t Site Collection Administrator" | Out-File $ReportFile -Append
#Function to Check Permissions of All List Items of a given List
Function Check-SPOListItemsPermission([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List]$List)
Write-host -f Yellow "Searching in List Items of the List '$($List.Title)..."
$Query = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery
$Query.ViewXml = "<View Scope='RecursiveAll'><Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='ID' Ascending='TRUE'/></OrderBy></Query><RowLimit Paged='TRUE'>$BatchSize</RowLimit></View>"
$Counter = 0
#Batch process list items - to mitigate list threshold issue on larger lists
Do {
#Get items from the list in Batch
$ListItems = $List.GetItems($Query)
$Query.ListItemCollectionPosition = $ListItems.ListItemCollectionPosition
#Loop through each List item
ForEach($ListItem in $ListItems)
if ($ListItem.HasUniqueRoleAssignments -eq $true)
#Call the function to generate Permission report
Get-Permissions -Object $ListItem
Write-Progress -PercentComplete ($Counter / ($List.ItemCount) * 100) -Activity "Processing Items $Counter of $($List.ItemCount)" -Status "Searching Unique Permissions in List Items of '$($List.Title)'"
} While ($Query.ListItemCollectionPosition -ne $null)
#Function to Check Permissions of all lists from the web
Function Check-SPOListPermission([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Web]$Web)
#Get All Lists from the web
$Lists = $Web.Lists
#Get all lists from the web
ForEach($List in $Lists)
#Exclude System Lists
If($List.Hidden -eq $False)
#Get List Items Permissions
Check-SPOListItemsPermission $List
#Get the Lists with Unique permission
If( $List.HasUniqueRoleAssignments -eq $True)
#Call the function to check permissions
Get-Permissions -Object $List
#Function to Check Webs's Permissions from given URL
Function Check-SPOWebPermission([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Web]$Web)
#Get all immediate subsites of the site
#Call the function to Get Lists of the web
Write-host -f Yellow "Searching in the Web "$Web.URL"..."
#Check if the Web has unique permissions
#Get the Web's Permissions
If($web.HasUniqueRoleAssignments -eq $true)
Get-Permissions -Object $Web
#Scan Lists with Unique Permissions
Write-host -f Yellow "Searching in the Lists and Libraries of "$Web.URL"..."
#Iterate through each subsite in the current web
Foreach ($Subweb in $web.Webs)
#Call the function recursively
#Call the function with RootWeb to get site collection permissions
Check-SPOWebPermission $Web
Write-host -f Green "User Permission Report Generated Successfully!"
Catch {
write-host -f Red "Error Generating User Permission Report!" $_.Exception.Message
And the result of the SharePoint Online user permissions reports using PowerShell: Script generates a CSV file in the below format. Obviously, all the folders, files, and items the user has access to will be listed.
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