Just checking if there's any progress or updates? To the original ask it isn't possible to in-place upgrade via evaluation media. Just a reminder, please don't forget to close up the thread here by
Upgrade Windows Server 2012 to 2016 Essentials not possible
I have to upgrade a Windows 2012 64 bit Server to Windows Server 2016 Essentials.
As installation media I have the ISO of 2016 Evaluation Version.
I follow the instructions I found: Start Setup, enable check for updates, enter the licence key.
As a result I can only install a completely new OS, I cannot keep personal files and apps.
The System tells me, keeping these files is not possible because I do use a different version of the OS.
What can I do to avoid a complete re-installation of the server?
All the hints I found so far lead to the procedure described above - and they don't work.
Thanks in advance for your help.
5 additional answers
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2023-01-07T15:42:17.26+00:00 Do not ever try to in-place upgrade a domain controller; it is too risky. Also, it is not possible to do an in-place upgrade using evaluation media. Better option is to stand up the new one from replacement and do a migration.
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server-essentials/migrate/migrate-windows-server-essentials-to-new-hardware--please don't forget to
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Jörg W 21 Reputation points
2023-01-07T18:43:28.103+00:00 Hi Patrick,
thanks for your quick reply.
It is not a domain controller. I have just a little workgroup with 7 members.
The server is the backbone of general practitioner (GP) IT system. I would not mind setting up a new system if it was not for the complicated mixture of data: some are on a shared drive (would not be any problem to copy) but some are located in various SQL databases. The SQL server has been installed by the software company years ago and is some modified or customized version.
I'd like to avoid a complex re-installation.
Is there any other Server 2016 installation media available somewhere else? I only find the evaluation ISO image :-(
Again, thanks for any helpful hint.
Jörg -
2023-01-07T19:13:16.497+00:00 I do see it available in my Visual Studio subscription. Afraid there are no public microsoft downloads.
--please don't forget to
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Lothar Peters 0 Reputation points
2024-08-25T14:29:53.05+00:00 Hello,
still, i have the problem, that i can't do a feature upgrade
from 2012r2 essentials to 2016 essentials.....
Idon't understand, why it is greyes out to ceep my settings...
2012r2 essentials was pre installed from Seagate on a 6-bay NAS
The 2016 essentials, i bought a while ago....
I really dont understand.....
"You can't ceep the settings, because you are installing annother version as the installed" (something like that)
????? of course, it is annother version ! Why should i install 2012 again???
This is really fare above my brain.....