Access the AKS cluster cost via the API
Hi, I'd like to access the costs per namespace in the cluster via the API. I've seen that the portal access on the kubernetes namespace cost overview via following…
Explain to me why microsoft-SENTINEL returns error
Just like as I mentioned, I've opened a new tab, launched microsoft defender portal and under microsoft sentinel tab I've pressed 'search'. I do not know the reason why it doesn't let me open that page and instead prints this error:…
Annotated tags not working as expected
"Annotated Tags - Create" version 7.1 is not working as expected. Documentation says that you can put to message string, but we are facing issue with scandinavian characters. If there is atleast one (1) scandinavian character (like. ä or ö) it…
API Management Test function intermittently getting "Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription"
We have a really strange issue, when we use the API Managements test functions in Azure portal, and it started about a week or two ago. Normally, the API testing functionality works perfectly, but then all of a sudden we start getting HTTP/1.1 401…
I can't assign App Registrations permission to connect
I tried following the instructions in Step 2: But Step 5a "Azure API Management Data Plan" doesn't show as option. My goal is to restrict access to the…
GraphAPI V1.0: Getting error reading non-admin users tasks, email and notes using admin token
Hello, We have been using the graph api to read all users tasks, email and notes using the admin token, noticing few errors since last week causing our backend process to fail reading the mailbox items . Anything changed recently related to permissions?…
Leveraging Video Indexer insights for speaker indentification
We are using Video Indexer for uploading and indexing videos. We are making use of the insights to get the speaker identification information, we are then using Computer Vision to recognize celebrities, for those unidentified by VI. I perceived that VI…
Getting error reading non-admin users tasks, email and notes using admin token
We have been using graphApis to read all users todo tasks,email and notes using the admin token, seeing below errors while reading mailbox items since last week Tasks: Status Code: 400 { "error": { "code":…