1,501 questions with Office Visual Basic for Applications tags
All of my VBA custom macros disappeared from MS-Project? What happened? Did the global get replaced?
I have written VBA for over 25 years, and about 3 weeks ago, it all just disappeared out of my .mpp files except for Deployment Macros. What happened to VBA? It's just gone! and none of my buttons work anymore because the programs have disappeared. …

Can't add fields to a table in Access.
Error is to many designed fields. There's only 155 fields and I should be able to have 255.

References: Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library for MSForms.DataObject, Microsoft Scripting Runtime for FileSystemObject.
In References in Access I am missing and need to Add Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library for MSForms.DataObject (clipboard handling). Add Microsoft Scripting Runtime for FileSystemObject. I have registered the modules suggested in prior help pages…
¿Cómo solucionar error 657 rx al iniciar sesión?
No puedo utilizar ninguna aplicación de Office ya que al iniciar con mi cuenta institucional me aparece este error, necesito solucionarlo urgente. Correlation Id: 7516f689-c8d7-4aa7-837f-bb51cb9dd3b1 Timestamp: 2025-02-27T14:27:44.000Z DPTI:…
i need to download office 2019 office pro plus
my office icons will not open uninstalled as directed , I have a lifetime key purchased form a subsidary of Microsoft how do I get reinstalled
Can Excel VBA identify numbers stored as text, and can it change them to numbers automatically?
Excel identifies numbers stored a text, with a green mark and an associated error button If you tick the error button, you can Excel to change the numbers to be stored as numbers Can this happen automatically?
Migrate VB.NET Windows Desktop App to Azure
I have created a VB.NET Windows Form desktop application in Visual Studio 2019. The application accesses an Azure SQL DB for retrieval of data only. I would like to migrate the application to Azure such that it could be accessed by multiple subscribed…
Word 365 - Hide/ Disable Auto Save Toggle button, Comment Menu, Share Manu
Hi, I am working on customizing Word 365 UI using VSTO Add-in and Custom Ribbon / CustomUI.xml approach. I want to hide or disable following elements on Word 365 UI. Auto Save Toggle button, idMso = AutoSaveSwitch Comment Menu on the…
Please help on Pivot Table Refresh online
Hello, I'm having issue with refreshing pivot tables using Excel Online. The pivot tables are built using data model with data source from the tables in existing workbook. When I refresh manually using "Refresh Selected Connection"…
Datestamps in Excel when a cell value changes
I've already looked up adding datestamps in Excel. Not a problem. I already have a table with data in it. I don't want to display the current date if there is already data in the cell. I only want the datestamp to update when the other cell value…
Microsoft Slideshow to create a lottery screen to add macro specified lottery number
As shown in the slides of Microsoft, the scrolling display of lottery numbers can be realized in the specified interface of participating lottery numbers. Now we have a question to ask:
How to Fix Run-Time Error "5852"
I just completed a mail merge using Microsoft Word. But what I want done after the merge is to save each letter to a pdf individually. I copied the following from a tutorial online and I'm getting a Run-Time Error "5852". I am NOT a VBA…
Correspondence Generator with MS Word
The U.S. Navy requires all official correspondence to be within very specific parameters and formatting standards. Is there way to generate a UserForm via Word VBA that could prompt a user to prepopulate an intended letter via the form and have it create…
MS365 Word VBA Selection.Paste Word Table Run-time error: 4605, but not debug
MS 365 Word VBA Macro Copies table at beginning of macro for use later, then changes original table for desired output. Several sub-routines later, it copies the table from the clipboard. Prior to MS365, this worked without an issue. Now, we get…
Can't change Column Width in code in Access datasheet
I thought I've done this before, but it doesn't seem to work now. I'm trying in code to reset the widths of columns in an Access datasheet (based on a query). I can set the .ColumnOrder and the .ColumnHidden properties just fine, but any change I make…
Numbers spell in excel with three decemals
Hi, can anyone help me with excel to spell number like this ? its for a currency BHD 101.123 = one hundred one Bahraini Dinars And One Hundred and Twenty Three Fils Only. The Fils decimals are three from 1-999
How to pass an range directly to a C++ DLL/dylib on Excel for Mac?
Hi, I'm trying to extend Excel using C++ on a Mac. I basically want to pass a range directly to a function written in a C++ dylib. So far I have been able to pass arrays of basic types such as Doubles and Integers successfully. However, looping through a…
How to resolve "MSFLXGRD.OCX" or one of its dependencies not correctly registered a file is missing or invalid issue?
Im trying to run an application developed using VB6. When trying to run the .exe I am getting Run time error code "339" with the "Component "MSFLXGRD.OCX" or one of its dependencies not correctly registered a file is missing or…
Migrate VBA to vb6, vb.net, or c++
I have VBA code heavily integrated with Excel and it also creates shapes that will be put into a Powerpoint slide. I want to be able to create an exe file for distribution. What language is best to convert to VB.Net, VB6, C++ ?