How to remove a persistent shortcut ''Learn about this picture'' from Microsoft Edge in the desktop ?
I found a shortcut useless to me that I didn't expect to see on my desktop operating a Windows 10 version of the system. I realized this shortcut called ''Learn about this picture'' was from Microsoft Edge and its intention was to show images on the web…
Facing an issue with image URLs.
I am actually facing an issue with image URLs. I work for a jewelry brand, and while working on an SKU-wise margin report, I noticed this problem. Each product has a unique SKU number, and based on the SKU, we have corresponding product images. I…
Bing Search API 403 Quota Exceeded
I am using Bing Search Services, I began getting errors in all my code, it turns out my quota was exceeded. I went ahead and choose a plan with more calls, it has been over an hour and I still get the same error. How long does it take for me to be able…

I have two groups of images with links and I want to swap them base on condition
I have two groups of image with their respectives links to link in the worksheet to sections, glossary or other sheet. I want to superpose the group base on a condition. If the condition says E for English, I want dynamically the image group for…
BingSearch Deployment Keeping Failing with RequestTimeout
I've tried deploying S1 and S5 listed here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/bing/apis/pricing But they both failed with Internal Errors. Any help would be appreciated.
BING Image can be used on published story book? written by a kid
hi, My 12 yr old has written a chapter book. he wants to use few bing ai generated image? I tried to help him by finding copyright usage but cd not find any. Can someone from BING Image create answer me if these images can be used on published story…

Bing search api
Does Azure keeps a track of my searches in Bing search API?
Why any prompt related to Hindu god is set as violence in the DALL-E playground?
I had entered the prompt in the DALL-E playground for creating the image. The AI has thrown this error "The prompt was filtered due to triggering Azure OpenAI’s content filtering system. Reason: This prompt contains content flagged as Violence…
Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint.
Hey, Trying to make an call to the bing image search. curl "https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/images/search?Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key=SECRET_KEY&q=microsoft" But getting the following error: Access denied due to invalid subscription key…
How to search for an image specifically by Image ID
We have been experiencing intermittent issues with the bing image search API. When using the /images/search endpoint and specifying the ID of the image. We are not always returning the image relating to the ID at all. According to documentation it should…
Cannot create Bing search v7 resource. bing resources are suspended?
I have the same issue as this post: https://video2.skills-academy.com/en-us/answers/questions/1612291/bing-search-v7-status-shows-failed-with-message-bi I get an internal server error with: "status": "Failed", "error":…
How do i find out the date (year is enough) of satellite imagery (for Aerial and Birds Eye vew) on Bing Maps?
How do i find out the date (year is enough) of satellite imagery (for Aerial and Birds Eye vew) on Bing Maps? The location is in Kalamaria-Thessaloniki-Greece 40.586893, 22.947830
Procurar modelo em imagem
Gostaria de saber como posso fazer para procurar um modelo em uma imagem qualquer, em C#.
How to get permission to use my images in bing image creator for commercial use?
Dear Microsoft Team, I hope this email finds you well. My name is Tameka Rivera, and I am reaching out to inquire about the usage rights for images created using the Bing Image Creator tool. Recently, I had the opportunity to utilize the Bing Image…
Bing image API search code changed?
Hi, My Web app no longer retrieves image from Bing Image search API - I have not touched any of the code. I've noticed that the services now display as 'Azure AI services', which couldn't have been the case since this was set up over 5 years ago. Has…

Bing HPImageArchive.aspx question
I am not sure if my question fits in "Bing Image Search" tag, but somehow it is related and I could not find any other suitable places to post my…
Microsoft Designer's DALL-E 3 stopped working
I've been trying to create an image with any prompts for days now. One prompt, waiting for a moment or two, it gives a warning (despite the prompt being safe to use). After a few moments I tried again and it said something about too many visitors. Is it…
Language studio - Adding images to the answers in the Q&A
Hi there, Are there best practices to add images to the anwers in the new Language Studio Question and Answer? It seems all you have to do, to do so, is adding the link to the link box and give it a name, but is there any recomendations where the…
Bing resources are suspended for the subscription
I was using the Bing image search endpoint fine. It started giving me a 401 error. After regenerating the API keys and checking my subscription and billing, everything looked fine. I decided to try to provision a new instance of the Bing resource and I…
No images for Custom public instance
Hey all, I'm currently trying to use the Bing Image Search API, and as per instructions, I created a custom public instance to use as my custom config. The problem is that with any query, the value[] of images is empty. I do seem to get webpages and…