2,798 questions with VB-related tags

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2 answers

How to get VB 6.0

How and where do I get Visual Basic 6.0? Is it free or do I need to buy it? Can you give me a download link or a file?

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-03-04T18:30:04.58+00:00
Максим Россиев 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-12T19:04:55.1233333+00:00
Bruce (SqlWork.com) 72,276 Reputation points
0 answers

Win32_BIOS version

Hello I'm using this code to get the BIOS version: Dim Search2 As New ManagementObjectSearcher(New SelectQuery("Win32_BIOS")) For Each Info2 As ManagementObject In Search2.Get If Info2("SMBIOSBIOSVersion") IsNot Nothing…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-03-12T13:13:50.4633333+00:00
StewartBW 1,215 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

WMI Availability is always nothing/null?

Hello I'm using this code to get the Availability of system disks, but Availability is always nothing/null: Searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher(New SelectQuery("Win32_DiskDrive")) For Each MyDisk As ManagementObject In…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-03-11T19:10:29.69+00:00
StewartBW 1,215 Reputation points
accepted 2025-03-12T12:56:11.75+00:00
StewartBW 1,215 Reputation points
1 answer

Exception messages in en-US only

Hello I've placed an exception sender in my VB.net app which in case of exceptions, will send them to me to check, seems on localized systems, the messages are not in en-US and I get them like this: Exception Message: Erro genérico em GDI+. Root…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-03-11T14:33:45.82+00:00
StewartBW 1,215 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-11T17:11:19.1166667+00:00
StewartBW 1,215 Reputation points
1 answer

How can I remove an item from the items obtained from the main File Explorer menu (IContextMenu) and add a new item along with an icon?

Based on the answer already given (previous question), I wanted to customize the resulting items so that some of them are not visible and add a few of my own items so that I can do something from the click event on the custom item. If possible, please…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-03-10T11:29:34.21+00:00
Mansour_Dalir 2,036 Reputation points
edited an answer 2025-03-11T07:28:15.76+00:00
Jiachen Li-MSFT 33,781 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
0 answers

Retrieve health information e.g. SMART, remaining live, reallocated sectors etc for all types of HDD, SSD, NvME etc

Any suggestions on reliable solutions to retrieve health information e.g. SMART, remaining live, reallocated sectors etc for all types of HDD, SSD, NvME etc Tried smartmontools but doesn't work for a lot of NvME drives as get…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-03-09T13:56:01.39+00:00
Darren Rose 261 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-10T18:58:00.3066667+00:00
Darren Rose 261 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Loop through and read adapters

Hello Because WMI Win32_VideoController AdapterRAM property cannot read more than 4GB of memory, I'm going to read Keys here: HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} There's 2 samples in PowerShell posted on…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-03-07T20:19:13.4066667+00:00
StewartBW 1,215 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-08T13:33:40.1666667+00:00
Castorix31 87,721 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

What Is the Best Way to Display the Native Windows Explorer Context Menu for Files in VB.NET?

What Is the Best Way to Display the Native Windows Explorer Context Menu for Files in VB.NET?I'm developing a VB.NET application and aiming to replicate the native context menu of Windows Explorer (the menu shown when you right-click a file in Windows…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-03-06T11:39:55.11+00:00
Mansour_Dalir 2,036 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-08T02:28:02.9133333+00:00
Castorix31 87,721 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Where can I download VB6 runtime?

I can find the update but not the product itself.. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-03-05T13:27:53.0966667+00:00
Godwin, Jeff 20 Reputation points
accepted 2025-03-06T13:21:33.39+00:00
Godwin, Jeff 20 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.


Hi Using this code to switch to dark and light mode for my .Net Framework 4.8 app only, but they won't apply until the form is resized, I can do: Me.Width = Me.Width + 1 Me.Width = Me.Width - 1 But that's not the way to go, the code, Windows 10 21H2, any…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-03-05T19:37:40.9233333+00:00
StewartBW 1,215 Reputation points
accepted 2025-03-06T08:44:25.28+00:00
StewartBW 1,215 Reputation points
2 answers

When using IO.File.Copy in a vb.net application which is sheduled using the sheduled tasks is resetting (or removing?) permissions to that file

Hi all, I have following code snippet: IO.File.Copy(SourceFilePath, DestinationFilePath, OverWrite) It can be any file on any network drive on the network. However, my application is sheduled using the sheduled tasks MMC addon ON A DIFFERENT SERVER. My…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-03-04T11:49:57.47+00:00
Aushyro 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-05T17:46:51.0333333+00:00
Aushyro 0 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

How to extract values ​​of characters used with Shift key using MapVirtualKeyEx API?

I use the MapVirtualKeyEx api to extract characters from the virtual keys on the keyboard. Here is the code in VB. Const MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR = 2 Dim keyblayoutID As Integer = GetKeyboardLayout(0) For nb As Integer = 0 To 255 Dim ScanCode As UInteger =…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-03-02T19:08:04.1533333+00:00
jacky Perpète 106 Reputation points
edited a comment 2025-03-05T17:08:32.11+00:00
jacky Perpète 106 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

How do I prevent Visual Studio from automatically adding unneeded includes in VB modules

I often copy modules from one project to another and often times Visual Studio will add several includes at the top of the class. When surveying through source code I find unnecessary includes have been added. If an include is needed I want compilation…

Visual Studio
Visual Studio
A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices.
5,448 questions
An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2023-01-17T20:10:10.8+00:00
David McDivitt 221 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-04T11:42:37.5133333+00:00
Dirk Seynaeve 0 Reputation points
4 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Help. Decompile EXE back to VB source code?

Last January, I fell victim to some RansomWare. :( I managed to recover most of what I lost from backups, but one program I wrote was up to v4.0.5 and the only source code I was able to recover was from a months-old backup of v4.0.3. Is there a way…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2021-04-05T20:03:13.747+00:00
Mugsy's RapSheet 176 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-02T14:26:49.38+00:00
Rodolfo Martinez 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Why does this statement take so much longer on a faster machine?

I am using VS2022 and Basic. I am finding that when the compiled EXE is run on an old APP Server with old Visual C++ Redistributables that this statement runs acceptably fast, but if I run the same EXE on a new APP Server with current Visual C++…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-02-28T15:36:23.58+00:00
Torquinian 1 Reputation point
commented 2025-03-02T14:16:35.4166667+00:00
MotoX80 35,606 Reputation points
2 answers

All pages not showing How to fix it?

All forms have the same problem

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-02-27T13:14:21.2333333+00:00
MUSTAFA mjh 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-02-28T01:49:05.5933333+00:00
Jiachen Li-MSFT 33,781 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
0 answers



An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-02-21T04:06:35.0066667+00:00
fathima mahvish 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-02-27T07:48:51.5866667+00:00
Jiachen Li-MSFT 33,781 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
2 answers

"BC30560 'Padding; is ambiguous in the namespace 'System.Windows.Forms'" suddenly appearing on an app that was working last week.

I'm creating a Windows Forms app in VB .net 6.0 and suddenly after reopening and trying to edit the app one of my designers won't open or run. This isn't the first time I've had issues with dotnet apps in Visual Studio and Visual Basic. I was working…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-02-24T15:11:21.9433333+00:00
Kaleb Riley 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-02-25T02:34:12.57+00:00
Jiachen Li-MSFT 33,781 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
1 answer

vb6 compiled application recently appear hanging for a moment when switching back and fro

I have a vb6 compiled application that recently appear hanging for a moment when switching between different software. That slow down my tasks. Not sure if others have the same problem. I am running window 11. How that can be fixed?

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-02-23T00:00:02.4866667+00:00
Mr Chan 1 Reputation point
answered 2025-02-24T08:58:18.16+00:00
RLWA32 47,611 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Some imported namespaces have a disabled (greyed) check mark

Using VS Community 2022, I have a VB Windows Forms Project. In Project, Properties, References, I see about a dozen namespaces with a check mark indicating they are imported into my project. So far so good. Three of them (System.Drawing,…

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
2,798 questions
asked 2025-02-14T13:13:55.9033333+00:00
Andrew Mercer 506 Reputation points
accepted 2025-02-19T12:32:22.0133333+00:00
Andrew Mercer 506 Reputation points