Private endpoint as cloud witness for clustering supported ?
Windows cluster in Azure , two VMS ( for now ) Storage account standard gen 2 with min TLS 1.0 ( just in case ) and network access cut ( only to be done via PE) Private endpoint lies in a nearby subnet of the source, auto approved, dns registered.…
Keyvault Failover across regions with private endpoint
Hello, I've read this doc and with reference to the bullet point in that doc, quote "If you're using private link to connect to your key…
How to Register an on-prem Self-Hosted Integration Runtime for Azure Data Factory that uses a Private Endpoint
I have configured an Azure Data Factory using a private endpoint w/ private DNS for access. I am wanting to be able to connect to local resources within Data Factory. I have created a self-hosted integration runtime within DF Studio and downloaded the…
Azure Data Factory Not Communicating via Private Endpoint
After following the instructions to create a Private Endpoint and disable public access to the Azure Data Factory, the self-hosted Integration Runtime is unable to connect. What configuration am I missing? Instructions followed:…
Azure Elastic Private Link Traffic Filtering - Cannot Resolve Private Zone
Hello, I am attempting to set up Private Link Traffic Filtering with Azure and Elastic. I have completed steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this document. I have confirmed the following: The private link is accepted. The hostname…
How to connect to MongoDB cluster hosted on Azure using private endpoint
Hello experts, I have an application running in customer's plant on a Windows 10 PC that needs to send data to MongoDB Atlas cluster. The PC is behind the customer firewall, so they requested needed IPs and ports for the connection. Given that Mongo…
SHIR not able to register to adf via private link
Hi Team, I have an adf with no public access and one private link with private dns configured, I have a vm within the same subnet as the private link of adf Also from the VM I am able to nslookup the private dns of the azure data factory But when i…
Data Share support ADLS Gen2 with private endpoint
Do data share support ADLS Gen2 that is deployed with Private Endpoint?
How to define private dns zoneid referencing to another subscription / resource group in bicep template?
I have problem defining private dns zonegroup resource in my bicep module. Deployment fails with the error indicating that resourceid for the private dns zone existing in another subscription / resource group than current deployment scope is invalid.…

FIXED: App Service unable to connect to Cosmos database with private endpoints - RemoteCertificateNameMismatch
Hi, I have a problem with a new Cosmos account service. I have never deployed one before. Both the App Service and the Cosmos database account have private endpoints. Both private endpoints are in the same vnet and subnet. It seems the App Service…
How to connect Private-Link resource to a VPN gateway?
Greetings, I would appreciate assistance with a design to a solution I would like to implement on Azure. Below I summarized all the information and approaches I tried. Customer has a private endpoint on a "consumer" VNet, from which I…
Private Endpoint NSLookup Resolving to Public IP Instead of Private IP for AppConfiguration
I have set up a Private Endpoint for my Azure resource (AppConfiguration) and followed all the necessary steps as per the Microsoft documentation, including: Created a Private Endpoint. Configured a Private DNS Zone ( Linked…
Clarity on multiple private endpoint creation for a service
We use private DNS at scale concept which creates DNS records in a centrally managed place (private DNS zones). If I create a private DNS entry for storage account "abc", the policy will add a DNS record (eg.…
Automatic detection of the absence or outdated SSL certificate
Hello, Would be good to implement following feature for Microsoft Azure private endpoint service and related services behind. In case if SSL certificate outdated or either not installed, insecure access to the online resource must be blocked. SSL socket…
Connectivity for transferring data from Azure to GCP
I am working on a project that involves securely transferring data from Microsoft Azure to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) without using the public internet. Could someone advise on which Azure and GCP products or services need to be configured for secure,…
Deployment Failed: A virtual network cannot be linked to multiple zones with overlapping namespaces
I created a new Function App using an existing App Service plan with Inbound Private Endpoints and Outbound VNET Integration. During deployment on the ~11th step an error occurred; A virtual network cannot be linked to multiple zones with overlapping…
Issue Creating Private Endpoint with Azure Application Gateway's Private Link Enabled
Hello Azure Community, We are facing an issue while creating a private endpoint in Azure, and we need some assistance to resolve this. Scenario: We have created an Azure Application Gateway with the private link feature enabled. Now, we are trying to…
Cannot Connect to PosgresDB Flexible Server From in Private AKS
Hi all, I am experiencing an issue with connecting to a PostgreSQL database from a private AKS cluster. The AKS and the database are located in two different virtual networks and subscriptions. To debug the connection, I created a pod using the following…
How to deploy using github actions to webapp behind private endpoint
Hello, I'm facing a problem and cannot figure out the best way to solve it. Deploying new versions using github actions to webapp works like a charm but once you put your webapp behind a private endpoint it become a nightmare since the runner cannot…

Gateway authentication failed for 'Microsoft.Network' creating a private endpoint
Morning, I have been problems creating a private endpoint in my Visual Studio Subscription. The error is the following: { "status": "Failed", "error": { "code":…