Does Azure Sphere Support Collecting CAN Bus Data from Vehicles?
Hello, I am exploring the possibility of using Azure Sphere to collect CAN Bus data from vehicles. However, I am not an expert in CAN data or its integration, so I would appreciate any guidance on the following: Can Azure Sphere devices natively read…
Azure Sphere SDK installation fails on Linux due to missing Libssl3 replaced by libssl3t64
Hi, Has anyone figured out how to install the AZ Sphere SDK on a fresh install of Ubuntu 24.04. LTS? Here's what is happening. launches fine and starts install. Stops with error that libssl3 can't be found. I APT install the…

Send data from azure sphere Client device to Azure sphere Server device using TCP connection Issue
Hi. I have tried using the PrivateNetworkServices sample from Github to receive data from my PC using Ethernet and it worked. I have set "eth0" as network interface but it always shows wlan0 as DHCPclient. I dont know why. But its working with…
Can Azure Sphere device be configured as a TCP client over Ethernet (eth0)?
The TCP Echo Server sample work great. However, I have a requirement where I need my Azure Sphere device as a TCP client. I modified the private network services sample application to work as a client (commented out Echo TCP Server) but the connection to…

Azure sphere VS code error
Hi. I am facing a new error while debugging the Azure Sample code in VS code. I don't know whether the VS code is causing the error or the CMake. Let me know what I can do to fix this. I tried reinstalling Cmake extensions in VS code and also tried…
Azure Sphere SDK: How to test OS update deferral.
I have implemented Azure Sphere OS update deferral in my application by following the deferral API documentation and example code on GitHub. In our application we are only deferring OS updates. How can I forcibly force an OS update to test the…
Azure Sphere SDK: When does the running OS allow a new OS update to be deferred by the application.
I have read through and it is still not clear how the running OS determines if it will allow the application an opportunity to defer a new…
Azure Sphere SDK: When does the running OS allow a new OS update to be deferred by the application.
I have read through the documentation for Azure Sphere OS update deferral by the application and it is not clear how the running OS decides when to allow the application an opportunity to defer an OS update. The specific scenario is an Azure Sphere…
Azure Sphere C2D issue
Hi, I was working on receiving C2D messages on the Azure Sphere device. It was working great from last 7 months. Suddenly i dont receive any c2d message from last 2 days. There has been no code changes. Please let me know how i can fix this as soon as…
transfer azure sphere board from one account to another account.
I bought azure sphere mt3620 eval board and claimed that device with one of my azure account through azure sphere catalogue. and now that account subscription got over , and now i want to transfer or move that device (catalog) data to my another azure…
Azure Sphere Dev Kit claimed on expired trial account
Hello, I have a problem with my Azure Sphere devkit clamed on expired trial account. I claimed it long time ago and it forced me to create a new Azure account (it didn't allow to claim on personal accounts back then) with domain. That…
Offline SW update - Azure Sphere
We are using Azure Sphere devices in different conditions. Most of the devices are constantly on a network which provides internet. However we have a significant number of devices on On-Premis setup, which does not provide internet access. These places…

Azure sphere device recovery fails
We have a few Azure Devices that are not responding, and have no idea why. There are more than a 100+ devices up and running. They can reach the IoTHub, are responding to azsphere commands. However a few of them are sometimes going down - or not even…

Connect Azure Sphere devcie to Voip server or Sip server
Hi, I have already tested the device using the Private Network Samples from github and it worked to connect to specific IP address. Now I want to connect my Azure sphere starter kit to a VOIP server or a SIP server through ETH0 or WLAN0. Is there any…
Azure Sphere device Unresponsive
Hi, My 5 devices are unresponsive from last 4 days. I have tried recovering the device. Still cannot receive the device id and I cant debug the device. I have used this devices before. Let me know how to fix it. Thank you.
How to degrade my Avnet Azure Starter kit OS version
Hi. We are working with Avnet Azure sphere starter kit. We have already updated the device OS version to 22.11. We found a link which says we can degrade the version of the device. "After a device updates to the 22.09 release, it will no longer…
OLD SEED MT3620 - Tenant Not Found
I have two of these SEED MT3620 Dev Kits. It has been a few years since I used them. After logging in and performing an OS update, I get a tenant not found. The tenant is there, at least I think it is the tenant I set up, but the device doesn't see it. I…

why can't I find my files/photos after uploading to Azure
I was trying to upload my photos to Azure. I attempted my times but it doesn't seem they got uploaded properly. It ended with nothing in the folder. Do I need to upgrade my account to 'pay-as-you-go' or monthly payment accounts before I can do that?

How can I delete an Azure Sphere that I have verified I'm the owner of (conventional "Delete" not working)?
Hi Team, When attempting to delete an Azure Sphere Catalog resource that I have verified I'm the owner of, I receive the following error message: "The user is not authorized to delete the Catalog (Code: Unauthorized)." I double-checked there…