Not able to copy a task in planner after creating it.
Yesterday as I normally do I created a task in planner and then attempted to copy the task with only minor changes in the title. However when I clicked copy task if flashed a new task then went away and gave the following message:
We couldn't create task "OPR-(2899)Client name ROW()-TDP-PO 500x300 COA 104973 ITEM(1) ". Please try again later. Technical details
The Technical details showed the following:
Correlation Id: df6ea350-d567-4998-a607-b0133247ad21
Time Stamp: 2025-03-12T07:28:49.395Z
I have deleted and tried to make a new task but get the same results. I have also tried with the web version and got the same as well.
Its been 2 days can I get a solution?