GitHub action Azure/functions-action@v1 crashes randomly, 404 on zip
I am trying to use the actions in my github workflow. Action triggers normaly, but sometimes doesn't find it's own zip file and i don't understand why.
I run it with the following args :
app-name: autom-edge-b2b
slot-name: Production
package: .
publish-profile: ***
sku: flexconsumption
remote-build: true
I found theses arguments in the doc for the flex consumption plan.
The app runs without issue locally, and I haven't made any changes to it since a few pushes, but the workflow crashes sometimes.
As you can understand, this is a pain to deal with.
Here are the logs of the error
Here is the history of commits, sometimes works sometimes not but always the same error. These commit did not apply any changes to the function app, but to files used in a fastapi we have in the same repo, that it deployed on a az containerapp (works smoothly). i redacted the commit names because i'm ashamed of my lazyness.
Thanks for your help !