Network Manager IPAM - "failed to fetch usage data" error and cannot remove
I have a Network Manager in my subscription, that is showing a 'failed to fetch usage data' error in the Azure portal. Have had this error before on support case 2502060xxxxxxx and it was fixed at the backend after a time.
What happens is, get this error in the portal
and this error via the API
What I deployed was
Network Manager
Top Level IPAM pool
2 sub pools - One of which had a vnet deployed into it
1 vnet with a IPAM allocation to the pool called 'internal platform'
And the problem I think is related to the fact that
These resources are deployed using the Terraform AZAPI provider, which can often have problem with related resources timing or race condition issues.
When I destroyed the resources with Terraform - as there is no explict dependancies between the azapi resoruces, things have been deleted out of order, incorrectly.
I now have a vnet I cant delete as it thinks its is linked to the IPAM pool that is having a issue
and I can't delete the IPAM pool as it thinks there is associated resources (the vnet I guess) but does not show as you can see here
but when I try to delete in the portal - complains about associated resources
How can I get help from the MS team to fix this problem?