Hi Harry Erbe
There is no predefined policy definition for this specific SQL extension. To enforce compliance, you will need to create a custom policy.
please refer below article
This can be achieved using PowerShell
I have created PowerShell script to install SQL extensions on multiple VM's
This script registers SQL Server VMs in Azure by installing the SQL IaaS extension on specified VMs.
The script retrieves details of each VM from Azure and registers them as SQL Server VMs.
It checks for errors such as VM not found, missing properties, or failure during registration.
Provide the SQL Server license type as either pay-as-you-go (PAYG) to pay per usage, Azure Hybrid Benefit (AHUB) to use your own license.
Requirements: Azure PowerShell Module (Az)
# List of VM Names to register as SQL VMs
$vms = @("VM01", "VM02")
# Loop through each VM
foreach ($vm in $vms) {
try {
# Get the VM details
$vmDetails = Get-AzVM | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $vm }
# Check if VM exists
if (-not $vmDetails) {
Write-Host "ERROR: VM '$vm' not found in Azure." -ForegroundColor Red
# Attempt to register the VM with SQL IaaS extension
Write-Host "Registering SQL Server VM: $($vmDetails.Name)..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
New-AzSqlVM -Name $vmDetails.Name -ResourceGroupName $vmDetails.ResourceGroupName -Location $vmDetails.Location -LicenseType AHUB
Write-Host "Successfully registered $($vmDetails.Name) as a SQL Server VM." -ForegroundColor Green
catch {
Write-Host "ERROR: Failed to register VM '$vm'. Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red
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