I am performing the tutorial this tutorial: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-search-python-samples/blob/main/Tutorial-RAG/Tutorial-rag.ipynb
I am getting the below error while running 'Create a Skillset' code cell.
HttpResponseError: () Provided key is not a valid CognitiveServices type key for the region of your search service. Code: Message: Provided key is not a valid CognitiveServices type key for the region of your search service.
C:\Windows\System32>az search service show --name azureaisearchservicee --resource-group tutorial-RAG --query "location"
"East US"
C:\Windows\System32>az storage account show --name storageeaccounttnammee --resource-group tutorial-RAG --query "location"
C:\Windows\System32>az cognitiveservices account show --name azureopenairesourcee --resource-group tutorial-RAG --query "location"