Hi @Aida Aida
If you're having trouble with Visual Studio 2022 hanging when importing the publish settings file for deploying a Django app to Azure App Service (Linux, Python 3.9), try these steps. First, make sure Visual Studio 2022 is running with admin privileges by right-clicking the app and selecting Run as Administrator. This can fix permission issues. Next, check for any pending updates in Visual Studio by going to Help > Check for Updates to ensure you're on the latest version. If the problem continues, manually configure the publish profile instead of importing the settings file. Go to Solution Explorer, right-click your project, select Publish, choose Azure App Service (Linux), and select your existing App Service instance before deploying.
If Visual Studio still hangs, try cleaning the solution and deleting temporary files by closing Visual Studio and removing the bin, obj, and hidden .vs folders from your project directory. Restart Visual Studio, rebuild the solution, and try publishing again. Alternatively, you can use the Azure CLI to deploy your Django app. Open a command prompt or terminal, navigate to your Django project folder, and run:
az webapp up --name YourAppServiceName --resource-group YourResourceGroup --runtime "PYTHON:3.9" --sku B1
This command will automatically configure and deploy your app to the specified Azure App Service. For more details, check the official Azure documentation. If you're still having issues, look into the Visual Studio Developer Community (link) or Azure support for more help.
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