For the permissions to manage users and groups in Active Directory and GPO, you can check the following points:
- First, make sure you have sufficient permissions to modify and apply GPO. In addition, you also need to make sure that the members of the AD group have sufficient permissions to receive and apply GPO. General steps: Open AD Manager and select "Advanced Features" from "View" on the toolbar. Right-click the group you want to check, select "Properties", then select the "Security" tab, and click "Advanced" at the bottom. In the "Advanced" window, select the user or group you want to view, and click "View Effective Access" to view the effective permissions of the user or group in the AD group.
- Check the order in which GPOs are applied. The order in which GPOs are applied may affect the application of settings. By default, GPOs are processed in the order of local GPOs, site GPOs, domain GPOs, and organizational unit GPOs. If multiple GPOs are applied to the same object, the later applied GPO will overwrite the earlier applied GPO.
- Double-check your configuration of GPOs and AD groups to make sure they are correct.
- It takes some time for policy changes to take effect on the target machine. You can use the
gpupdate /force
command to force an immediate policy refresh.
Appendix B - Privileged Accounts and Groups in Active Directory | Microsoft Learn
Group Policy processing for Windows | Microsoft Learn
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Jacen Wang