Hi rr-4098,
Hope everything is going well.
Per my experience, we can use supersedence application to achieve your goal. When you supersede an application, you specify a new deployment type to replace the deployment type of the superseded application. You can also decide whether to upgrade or uninstall the superseded application before the client installs the superseding application.
This scenario is commonly used when you want to deploy an upgrade to an existing application. To remove the existing deployment type before the new deployment type is installed, select Uninstall. If you decide to upgrade an application, make sure that you test this in a lab environment first.
For more detailed information and steps, please refer to:
Revise and supersede applications in Configuration Manager
An Easy Method to Use SCCM Application Supersedence | ConfigMgr
Feel free to contact me if you have any concerns/queries.
Best regards,
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