Thank you everyone for your suggestions. It turns out that my computer only reads IPV6 ip address, so I used ::1 in Windows host file mapping to URL instead of and it resolved the issue.
dot NET Core - Build Successful but Run error - Hmmm… can't reach this page
Swapnil Giram
Reputation points Microsoft Employee
Hi All,
I cloned project code from Azure Repo, installed certificates, configured Project Web Properties, configured applicationhost.config, setup SSL URL in IIS using certificate Thumbprint. My project builds successfully, but application fails to load in browser. I get error "Hmmm… can't reach this page". When I click 'i' icon in browser address bar, it shows "This site does not have a certificate. - This site does not have a certificate.".
Same certificates work for all my colleagues, I wonder why its failing on my machine only.
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Swapnil Giram 0 Reputation points Microsoft Employee