Hi @George Kallarackal ,
One thing to check is whether the service principal has the right permissions to access the storage account. If it's supposed to interact with Blob Storage, it should have the Storage Blob Data Contributor role.
az role assignment list --assignee "1e928d73-d7ee-48a6-8260-e25bd3ec287a"
If it turns out that the role isn't assigned, you may need to add it manually using this command.
az role assignment create --assignee "1e928d73-d7ee-48a6-8260-e25bd3ec287a" --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" --scope "/subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<storage-account>"
Another possibility is that the pipeline might be using the wrong Azure environment, especially if your organization has multiple tenants or is dealing with cross-tenant deployments. It might be worth double-checking that the authentication request is actually happening against the right directory.
If you're using a service connection in Azure DevOps, it’s a good idea to open the project settings, go to the service connections section, and check if the connection is configured correctly. You might also try re-authenticating the service connection just to rule out any misconfiguration.
In case your pipeline is using a managed identity instead of a service principal, you’ll want to ensure that the identity has the necessary role assignments and that it’s correctly linked to the pipeline agent.
One more thing you could try is adding a login step inside your pipeline script before running the storage operation.
az login --service-principal -u "1e928d73-d7ee-48a6-8260-e25bd3ec287a" -p "<client-secret>" --tenant "3942511a-e43a-4a6c-9195-5ec41d5eb557"
az account show
If this works fine locally but fails in the pipeline, then the issue might be related to how the service principal is being used within Azure DevOps.
Hope it helps!
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