I created my personal account when I was in college. I signed up for the Partner Center program for Windows app development back then. Recently I'm developing a WPF app I want to deploy on the Microsoft Store. I'm following directions to register for access to this in Partner Center.
But I'm getting an error here https://partner.microsoft.com/en-us/dashboard/account/exp/enrollment/programselector/appdev
"Our records indicate that you have already enrolled into this program but your program registration is deactivated."

There's no way to reactivate. Searching around it says to contact support. I can't even access the support page in Partner Center, so I'm here. I've paid for support in Azure. I'm using Azure resources to develop my desktop app. I'm paying you guys, please unblock/reactivate my Partner Center account so I can publish my app, and continue paying you guys for cloud resources to aid my app development.