@Anonymous , @David Lowndes Can you please check is this informative for issue scenario.
Unexpected AfxThrowFileException in CStdioFile::Read()
Praveena S Kumar
Reputation points
I am using CStdioFile::Read in an MFC application, and I noticed that an exception is thrown in the following condition:
if ((nRead = (UINT)fread(lpBuf, sizeof(BYTE), nCount, m_pStream)) == 0 && !feof(m_pStream)) AfxThrowFileException(CFileException::genericException, _doserrno, m_strFileName);
I understand that nRead == 0 means no bytes were read, but since feof(m_pStream) is false, it suggests that EOF has not been reached.
Also, before calling CStdioFile::Read, we have checked that the file is open using CStdioFile::Open function too.
Below is the sample code :
static bool ReadIniFile(
const CString& cstrIniFilePath,
std::map<CString, CString>& IniMap
bool bRet = false;
CStdioFile cFile;
UINT TextMode = CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeText | CFile::shareDenyNone;
if (cFile.Open(cstrIniFilePath, CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary | CFile::shareDenyNone))
BYTE cBuf[16];
if ((cFile.Read(cBuf, 2) == 2) && (cBuf[0] == 0xFF) && (cBuf[1] == 0xFE)) // Crash point
TextMode = CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeUnicode | CFile::shareDenyNone;
if(cFile.Open(cstrIniFilePath, TextMode))
if ((TextMode & CFile::typeUnicode) != 0)
cFile.Seek(2, CFile::begin);
CString strLine;
CString strSection;
CString strKey;
CString strValue;
int len = strLine.GetLength();
if(len > 2)
if(strLine[0] == '[')
int n = strLine.Find(']');
if(n >= 2)
strSection = strLine.Mid(1, (n - 1));
else if(!strSection.IsEmpty())
int n = strLine.Find('=');
if((n > 0) && ((n + 1) < len))
strKey = strLine.Left(n);
strValue = strLine.Mid(n + 1, len - n);
CString strMapKey = strSection + _T("&") + strKey;
strValue.Replace(_T("\\n"), _T("\n"));
auto itr = IniMap.find(strMapKey);
if(itr == IniMap.end())
IniMap[strMapKey] = strValue;
bRet = true;
return bRet;
Here file seems valid and not corrupted.
What are the possible reasons for this exception to be triggered?
- Could this be due to file permissions, locking, or disk errors?
- Are there any specific scenarios where fread fails but feof remains false?
- How should I handle this exception properly to differentiate between different failure scenarios?