I received a similar problem today while trying to submit my application to the Microsoft Store as an Individual Developer under the Properties tab. It must be confusing my account as being a Business and not Individual Developer. No wonder I've been having so many problems with the site. It accepted nothing in both phone number and address initially and then a few days later showed the Properties as being Incomplete instead of complete. I too don't want my private phone number and address online publicly. Nobody should have to expose such information as an Individual developer. Just sayin'...I deleted my application and requested my account be deleted. I hope my Tax and Bank account information is made available due to wrongly configures account settings as a Business vs. Individual.
Is my personal address and phone number now required to be listed in the public store listing?
I just received and email "Notice of Developer Requirements" with this section:
Updating Your Contact Information
Microsoft requires that you enter your contact information: email, physical address, and phone number. This information is required and will be made available under the Publisher Information section on product detail pages.
I am a single developer who just works from home, I would never want my home phone number and address listed on the public store page. Am I misunderstanding this or are there any exceptions? This policy seems a bit out of touch and perhaps there is no alternative except to delete my apps