Common errors within the Azure Serial Console

Applies to: ✔️ Linux VMs ✔️ Windows VMs

There are a set of known errors within the Azure Serial Console. This is a list of those errors and mitigation steps for them.


The service URLs of Serial Console have been changed from * to * If you receive the "Web socket is closed or could not be opened" error, add * to your firewall allow list.

Common errors

Error Mitigation
"Azure Serial Console requires boot diagnostics to be enabled. Click here to configure boot diagnostics for your virtual machine." Ensure that the VM or virtual machine scale set has boot diagnostics enabled. If you are using serial console on a virtual machine scale set instance, ensure that your instance has the latest model.
"Azure Serial Console requires a virtual machine to be running. Use the Start button above to start your virtual machine." The VM or virtual machine scale set instance must be in a started state to access the serial console (your VM must not be stopped or deallocated). Ensure your VM or virtual machine scale set instance is running and try again.
"Azure Serial Console is not enabled for this subscription, contact your subscription administrator to enable." The Azure Serial Console can be disabled at a subscription level. If you are a subscription administrator, you may enable and disable the Azure Serial Console. If you are not a subscription administrator, you should reach out to your subscription administrator for next steps.
A "Forbidden" response was encountered when accessing this VM's boot diagnostic storage account. This error is often caused by enabling a storage account firewall on the custom boot diagnostics account. If you are using a storage account firewall on this account, follow Storage Account firewall configuration instructions.
You do not have the required permissions to use this VM with the serial console. Ensure you have at least Virtual Machine Contributor role permissions. The serial console access requires you to have contributor level access or above on your VM or virtual machine scale set. For more information, see the overview page.
The storage account '' used for boot diagnostics on this VM could not be found. Verify that boot diagnostics is enabled for this VM, this storage account has not been deleted, and you have access to this storage account. Double check that you have not deleted the boot diagnostics storage account for your VM or virtual machine scale set
The serial console connection to the VM encountered an error: 'Bad Request' (400) This can happen if your boot diagnostics URI is incorrect. For example, "http://" was used instead of "https://". The boot diagnostics URI can be fixed with this command: az vm boot-diagnostics enable --name vmName --resource-group rgName --storage https://<storageAccountUri>
You do not have the required permissions to write to the boot diagnostics storage account for this VM. Please ensure you have at least VM Contributor permissions Serial console access requires contributor level access on the boot diagnostics storage account. For more information, see the overview page.
Unable to determine the resource group for the boot diagnostics storage account <STORAGEACCOUNTNAME>. Verify that boot diagnostics is enabled for this VM and you have access to this storage account. Serial console access requires contributor level access on the boot diagnostics storage account. For more information, see the overview page.
Provisioning for this VM has not yet succeeded. Please ensure the VM is fully deployed and retry the serial console connection. Your VM or virtual machine scale set may still be provisioning. Wait some time and try again.
Web socket is closed or could not be opened. You may need to add firewall access to * A more detailed but longer approach is to allow firewall access to the Microsoft Azure Datacenter IP ranges, which change fairly regularly.
Serial console does not work with a storage account using Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with hierarchical namespaces. This is a known issue with hierarchical namespaces. To mitigate, ensure that your VM's boot diagnostics storage account is not created using Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. This option can only be set upon storage account creation. You may have to create a separate boot diagnostics storage account without Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 enabled to mitigate this issue.
The serial console connection to the VM encountered an error: 'Forbidden'(SubscriptionNotEnabled) - Subscription name undefined, id <subscription id> is in non-Enabled state undefined This issue may occur if the subscription that a user has created their Cloud Shell storage account in has been disabled. To mitigate, launch Cloud Shell and perform the steps necessary to reprovision a backing storage account for Cloud Shell in the current subscription.
Azure Serial Console requests result in the error "Sorry, the serial console was unable to connect to the VM because the service did not respond in a timely manner." In rare circumstances, communication failure may prevent the Azure node from properly applying boot diagnostics configuration. Reapplying the virtual machine state in the Azure portal may resolve this issue.
The serial console successfully connects to the VM, but no output is displayed, and user input is unresponsive. Serial console and logs might not be available after live migration for Generation 2 VMs with Trusted Launch and Secure Boot enabled. To resolve this issue, a guest OS reboot is required.

Next steps

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