Retrieve the list of rulesets
Rules are grouped together using a ruleset. Rulesets can have one or more rules with no limit. A rule can be in no ruleset, or multiple rulesets. Use a GET
request to obtain a list of all rulesets available by calling the API, [Geographical URI]/api/ruleset.
This API does require an OAuth token.
Expected responses
HTTP status code | Scenario | Result |
200 | One or more results were found | See the example later in this article. One or more results may be returned. |
204 | No results were found | No results response body is returned. |
401 | Authentication Failed | No results in the response body. |
Expected response body
The following table outlines the structure of the response for each request (HTTP 200 response only).
Property | Type | Expected value | Required? |
id | Guid | Identifier of the ruleset | Yes |
name | string | Friendly name of the ruleset | Yes |
Example: retrieve all rulesets
This example returns data for all of the rulesets available.
GET [Geographical URI]/api/ruleset?api-version=2.0
Accept: application/json
x-ms-correlation-id: aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"id": "083a2ef5-7e0e-4754-9d88-9455142dc08b",
"name": "AppSource Certification"
"id": "0ad12346-e108-40b8-a956-9a8f95ea18c9",
"name": "Solution Checker"
See also
Use the Power Apps checker web API
Retrieve the list of rules
Upload a file
Invoke analysis
Check for analysis status