Tutorial: Create cross tenant isolation reports
This tutorial demonstrates how to use the Power Platform API to create cross tenant isolation reports.
In this tutorial, learn how to:
- Authenticate using Power Platform API
- Create a report
- List all reports for the tenant
- Fetch a single report
For more details about tenant isolation, see Cross-tenant inbound and outbound restrictions.
Step 1. Authenticate using Power Platform API
Use the following PowerShell script to authenticate using Power Platform API.
Users with the Power Platform administrator Entra ID role have permission to run the tenant isolation impact report.
Import-Module "MSAL.PS"
$AuthResult = Get-MsalToken -ClientId '49676daf-ff23-4aac-adcc-55472d4e2ce0' -Scope 'https://api.powerplatform.com/.default'
$Headers = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($AuthResult.AccessToken)"}
Step 2. Create a report
Use the following PowerShell script to create the report.
You can only create one report per tenant per calendar day.
# Create a cross tenant connections report
$tenantReportCreateResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "https://api.powerplatform.com/governance/crossTenantConnectionReports?api-version=2022-03-01-preview" -Headers $Headers -Body ""
$reportId = $tenantReportCreateResponse.reportId
$reportStatus = $tenantReportCreateResponse.status
Write-Host "Cross tenant connections report created with ID=$reportId and status=$reportStatus"
} catch {
# Dig into the exception to get the Response details.
Write-Host "Response CorrelationId:" $_.Exception.Response.Headers["x-ms-correlation-id"]
Write-Host "StatusCode:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
$result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
Write-Host $responseBody
Power Platform API reference: Create Cross Tenant Connection Report
Step 3. List all reports for the tenant
Use the following PowerShell script to list all of the available reports for your tenant.
# Get all available cross tenant connections reports for a tenant
$tenantListReportResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "https://api.powerplatform.com/governance/crossTenantConnectionReports?api-version=2022-03-01-preview" -Headers $Headers
$report = $tenantListReportResponse | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3
Write-Host $report
} catch {
# Dig into the exception to get the Response details.
Write-Host "Response CorrelationId:" $_.Exception.Response.Headers["x-ms-correlation-id"]
Write-Host "StatusCode:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
$result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
Write-Host $responseBody
Power Platform API reference: Get Cross Tenant Connection Report
Step 4. Fetch a single report
Use the following PowerShell script to fetch a single report for your tenant about connections used within the tenant.
# Get one cross tenant connections report for a tenant
$tenantListReportResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "https://api.powerplatform.com/governance/crossTenantConnectionReports/{$reportId}?api-version=2022-03-01-preview" -Headers $Headers
$report = $tenantListReportResponse | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 2
Write-Host $report
Write-Host ""
} catch {
# Go through the exception to get the Response details.
Write-Host "Response CorrelationId:" $_.Exception.Response.Headers["x-ms-correlation-id"]
Write-Host "StatusCode:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
$result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
Write-Host $responseBody
Power Platform API reference: List Cross Tenant Connection Reports
See also
Power Platform API reference - Cross Tenant Connection Reports