Known issue - Git integration undo action appears after initial sync fails
For this known issue, you shouldn't use the Undo button after an initial sync with Git fails. When you initially connect your workspace to a Git repository, the initial sync fails. You wrongly see the option to undo the changes. As warned, workspace items might be deleted if you continue with the Undo action. The deleted items might not have a corresponding instance in the Git repository.
Status: Open
Product Experience: Administration & Management
Here are the steps that must happen for you to see the known issue:
You connect a workspace to a Git repository.
An initial sync to the Git repository runs and fails.
Wrongly, the service doesn't disable the Undo operation and lets you choose the Undo button.
When you select the Undo button, you receive a warning about the potential loss of data.
If you choose to continue, you might see items deleted from the workspace.
The deleted items might not have a corresponding instance in the Git repository.
Solutions and workarounds
To prevent the issue from happening, don't perform the Undo action after the initial sync fails. Alternatively, you can retry the sync by disconnecting and reconnecting to the Git provider.