Known issue - Unable to close organizational app items in left navigation pane

The "close" or "x" button doesn't work as expected on organizational app items in the left navigation pane. When you hover over an organizational app item in the left navigation pane, the close button doesn't appear.

Status: Fixed: December 9, 2024

Product Experience: Power BI


When you open an organizational app, an icon appears as an item in the left navigation pane. If you hover over the organizational app item, the close button doesn't appear. If you visit another item in the left navigation pane, the organizational app item doesn't close on its own and remains in the left navigation pane.

Solutions and workarounds

There are two ways to close and remove the organizational app item from the left navigation pane:

  • If you're willing to closing all items in left nav, close the browser window or tab and open a new window or tab. All items in the left nav are no longer present.
  • If you want to close just one item in the left nav, visit any other navigational item other than an organizational app item, such as Home. Then, refresh the browser. Finally, hover over the organizational app item you'd like to close, and the close button appears. You can then select the close button, and the organizational app item is removed from the left nav.

Next steps