Azure permissions for Integration
This article lists the permissions for the Azure resource providers in the Integration category. You can use these permissions in your own Azure custom roles to provide granular access control to resources in Azure. Permission strings have the following format: {Company}.{ProviderName}/{resourceType}/{action}
Azure service: Azure API Center
Action | Description |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/register/action | Register Microsoft.ApiCenter resource provider for the subscription. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/unregister/action | Unregister Microsoft.ApiCenter resource provider for the subscription. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/deletedServices/read | Returns paginated collection of deleted services. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/deletedServices/read | Returns the deleted service. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/deletedServices/delete | Purge the soft deleted service. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/operations/read | Read all API operations available for Microsoft.ApiCenter resource provider. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/resourceTypes/read | Read all resource types available for Microsoft.ApiCenter resource provider. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/write | Creates or updates specified service. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/write | Patches specified service. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/read | Returns the details of the specified service. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/read | Checks if specified service exists. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/read | Returns paginated collection of services. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/delete | Deletes specified service. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/apim-notification/action | Imports resources from one or more API Management instances. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/importFromApim/action | Imports resources from one or more API Management instances. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/exportMetadataSchema/action | Returns effective metadata schema document. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/validateMoveResources/action | Validates move resource request |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/moveResources/action | Move resource request |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/analysisReports/read | Get a certain analysis report of an API Center instance |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/eventGridFilters/read | Returns paginated collection of the Event Grid filters. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/eventGridFilters/read | Returns the details of the specified Event Grid filter. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/eventGridFilters/write | Creates or updates specified Event Grid filter. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/eventGridFilters/delete | Deletes the details of the specified Event Grid filter. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/metadataSchemas/write | Creates or updates specified metadataSchema. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/metadataSchemas/read | Returns paginated collection of metadataSchemas. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/metadataSchemas/read | Returns the details of the specified metadataSchema. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/metadataSchemas/read | Checks if specified metadataSchema exists |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/metadataSchemas/delete | Deletes specified metadataSchema. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/operationResults/read | Checks status of a long running operation |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspace/importApiSource/action | Imports resources from one or more API sources. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/linkApiSource/action | Links an API source. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/write | Creates or updates specified workspace. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/read | Returns paginated collection of workspaces. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/read | Returns the details of the specified workspace. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/read | Checks if specified workspace exists |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/delete | Deletes specified workspace. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/analyzerConfig/analysisExecutions/read | Get analysis executions of a particular analyzer configuration |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/analyzerConfigs/write | Creates or updates specified analyzer configuration. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/analyzerConfigs/read | Returns the details of the specified analyzer configuration. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/analyzerConfigs/read | Get analyzer configurations |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/analyzerConfigs/delete | Deletes the specified analyzer configuration. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/analyzerConfigs/importRuleset/action | Imports ruleset file. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/analyzerConfigs/exportRuleset/action | Exports ruleset file. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/analyzerConfigs/operationResults/read | Checks status of individual import ruleset operation |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/write | Creates or updates specified API. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/read | List APIs inside a catalog |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/read | Returns the details of the specified API. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/read | Checks if specified API exists. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/delete | Deletes specified API. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/deployments/write | Creates or updates API Deployment. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/deployments/read | Checks if specified API Deployment exists. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/deployments/read | Returns the details of the specified API deployment. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/deployments/read | Returns paginated collection of API deployments. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/deployments/delete | Deletes specified API deployment. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/write | Creates or updates API version. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/read | Checks if specified API version exists. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/read | Returns the details of the specified API version. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/read | Returns paginated collection of API versions. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/delete | Deletes specified API version. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/updateAnalysisState/action | Updates analysis results for specified API definition. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/exportSpecification/action | Exports API definition file. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/importSpecification/action | Imports API definition file. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/write | Creates or updates API Spec. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/read | Checks if specified API Spec exists. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/read | Returns the details of the specified API definition. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/read | Returns paginated collection of API definition. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/delete | Deletes specified API definition. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/analysisResults/read | Returns analysis report for specified API definition. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/operationResults/read | Checks status of individual import operation |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apiSources/read | List API Sources inside a catalog. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apiSources/write | Creates or updates the specified API source. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apiSources/read | Returns the details of the specified API source. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apiSources/delete | Deletes specified API Source. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/environments/read | Returns paginated collection of environments |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/environments/write | Create or update environment |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/environments/delete | Deletes specified environment. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/environments/read | Returns specified environment. |
DataAction | Description |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/read | Read APIs from an API Center. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/deployments/read | Read API deployments from an API Center. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/read | Read API versions from an API Center. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/read | Read API definitions from an API Center. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/exportSpecification/action | Exports API definition file. |
Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/environments/read | Read API environments from an API Center. |
Easily build and consume Cloud APIs.
Azure service: API Management
Action | Description |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/register/action | Register subscription for Microsoft.ApiManagement resource provider |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/unregister/action | Un-register subscription for Microsoft.ApiManagement resource provider |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/checkNameAvailability/read | Checks if provided service name is available |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/deletedservices/read | Get deleted API Management Services which can be restored within the soft-delete period |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/read | Lists Gateway or Gets a Gateway |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/write | Creates a Gateway |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/delete | Deletes a Gateway |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/configConnections/read | Lists Gateway ConfigConnections or Gets a Gateway ConfigConnection |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/configConnections/write | Creates a Gateway Config Connection |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/configConnections/delete | Deletes a Gateway Config Connection |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/locations/deletedservices/read | Get deleted API Management Service which can be restored within the soft-delete period by location |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/locations/deletedservices/delete | Delete API Management Service without the option to restore it |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/locations/operationsStatuses/read | View the status of a long running operation for which the 'AzureAsync' header was previously returned to the client |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/operations/read | Read all API operations available for Microsoft.ApiManagement resource |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/reports/read | Get reports aggregated by time periods, geographical region, developers, products, APIs, operations, subscription and byRequest. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/write | Create or Update API Management Service instance |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/read | Read metadata for an API Management Service instance |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/delete | Delete API Management Service instance |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/updatehostname/action | Setup, update or remove custom domain names for an API Management Service |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/updatecertificate/action | Upload TLS/SSL certificate for an API Management Service |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/backup/action | Backup API Management Service to the specified container in a user provided storage account |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/restore/action | Restore API Management Service from the specified container in a user provided storage account |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/managedeployments/action | Change SKU/units, add/remove regional deployments of API Management Service |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/getssotoken/action | Gets SSO token that can be used to login into API Management Service Legacy portal as an administrator |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/applynetworkconfigurationupdates/action | Updates the Microsoft.ApiManagement resources running in Virtual Network to pick updated Network Settings. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/scheduledMaintenance/action | Perform Scheduled Maintenance on the service |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/action | Register a new user |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/action | Sends notification to a specified user |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/validatePolicies/action | Validates Tenant Policy Restrictions |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/read | Lists all APIs of the API Management service instance. or Gets the details of the API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/write | Creates new or updates existing specified API of the API Management service instance. or Updates the specified API of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/delete | Deletes the specified API of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/diagnostics/read | Lists all diagnostics of an API. or Gets the details of the Diagnostic for an API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/diagnostics/write | Creates a new Diagnostic for an API or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the Diagnostic for an API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/diagnostics/delete | Deletes the specified Diagnostic from an API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/read | Lists all issues associated with the specified API. or Gets the details of the Issue for an API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/write | Creates a new Issue for an API or updates an existing one. or Updates an existing issue for an API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/delete | Deletes the specified Issue from an API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/attachments/read | Lists all attachments for the Issue associated with the specified API. or Gets the details of the issue Attachment for an API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/attachments/write | Creates a new Attachment for the Issue in an API or updates an existing one. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/attachments/delete | Deletes the specified comment from an Issue. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/comments/read | Lists all comments for the Issue associated with the specified API. or Gets the details of the issue Comment for an API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/comments/write | Creates a new Comment for the Issue in an API or updates an existing one. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/comments/delete | Deletes the specified comment from an Issue. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/read | Lists a collection of the operations for the specified API. or Gets the details of the API Operation specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/write | Creates a new operation in the API or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the operation in the API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/delete | Deletes the specified operation in the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/policies/read | Get the list of policy configuration at the API Operation level. or Get the policy configuration at the API Operation level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/policies/write | Creates or updates policy configuration for the API Operation level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/policies/delete | Deletes the policy configuration at the Api Operation. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/policy/read | Get the policy configuration at Operation level |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/policy/write | Create policy configuration at Operation level |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/policy/delete | Delete the policy configuration at Operation level |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/tags/read | Lists all Tags associated with the Operation. or Get tag associated with the Operation. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/tags/write | Assign tag to the Operation. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/tags/delete | Detach the tag from the Operation. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operationsByTags/read | Lists a collection of operations associated with tags. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/policies/read | Get the policy configuration at the API level. or Get the policy configuration at the API level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/policies/write | Creates or updates policy configuration for the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/policies/delete | Deletes the policy configuration at the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/policy/read | Get the policy configuration at API level |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/policy/write | Create policy configuration at API level |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/policy/delete | Delete the policy configuration at API level |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/products/read | Lists all Products, which the API is part of. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/releases/read | Lists all releases of an API. An API release is created when making an API Revision current. Releases are also used to rollback to previous revisions. Results will be paged and can be constrained by the $top and $skip parameters. or Returns the details of an API release. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/releases/delete | Removes all releases of the API or Deletes the specified release in the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/releases/write | Creates a new Release for the API. or Updates the details of the release of the API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/resolvers/read | Get the GraphQL resolvers at the API level. or Get the GraphQL resolver at the API level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/resolvers/write | Creates or updates GraphQL resolver for the API. or Updates the details of the GraphQL resolver in the API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/resolvers/delete | Deletes the policy configuration at the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/resolvers/policies/read | Get the list of policy configurations at the GraphQL API resolver level. or Get the policy configuration at the GraphQL API resolver level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/resolvers/policies/write | Creates or updates policy configuration for the GraphQL API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/resolvers/policies/delete | Deletes the policy configuration at the GraphQL Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/revisions/read | Lists all revisions of an API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/revisions/delete | Removes all revisions of an API |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/schemas/read | Get the schema configuration at the API level. or Get the schema configuration at the API level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/schemas/write | Creates or updates schema configuration for the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/schemas/delete | Deletes the schema configuration at the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/tagDescriptions/read | Lists all Tags descriptions in scope of API. Model similar to swagger - tagDescription is defined on API level but tag may be assigned to the Operations or Get Tag description in scope of API |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/tagDescriptions/write | Create/Update tag description in scope of the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/tagDescriptions/delete | Delete tag description for the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/tags/read | Lists all Tags associated with the API. or Get tag associated with the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/tags/write | Assign tag to the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/tags/delete | Detach the tag from the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apisByTags/read | Lists a collection of apis associated with tags. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apiVersionSets/read | Lists a collection of API Version Sets in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the Api Version Set specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apiVersionSets/write | Creates or Updates a Api Version Set. or Updates the details of the Api VersionSet specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apiVersionSets/delete | Deletes specific Api Version Set. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apiVersionSets/versions/read | Get list of version entities |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/read | Lists AuthorizationProvider within a service instance or Gets a AuthorizationProvider |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/write | Creates a AuthorizationProvider |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/delete | Deletes a AuthorizationProvider |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/read | Lists Authorization or Get Authorization |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/write | Creates a Authorization |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/delete | Deletes a Authorization |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/getLoginLinks/action | Posts Authorization Login Links |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/confirmConsentCode/action | Posts Authorization Confirm Consent Code |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/permission/read | Lists Authorization Permissions or Get Authorization Permission |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/permission/write | Creates a Authorization Permission |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/permission/delete | Deletes a Authorization Permission |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationServers/read | Lists a collection of authorization servers defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the authorization server without secrets. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationServers/write | Creates new authorization server or updates an existing authorization server. or Updates the details of the authorization server specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationServers/delete | Deletes specific authorization server instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationServers/listSecrets/action | Gets secrets for the authorization server. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/backends/read | Lists a collection of backends in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the backend specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/backends/write | Creates or Updates a backend. or Updates an existing backend. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/backends/delete | Deletes the specified backend. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/backends/reconnect/action | Notifies the APIM proxy to create a new connection to the backend after the specified timeout. If no timeout was specified, timeout of 2 minutes is used. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/caches/read | Lists a collection of all external Caches in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the Cache specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/caches/write | Creates or updates an External Cache to be used in Api Management instance. or Updates the details of the cache specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/caches/delete | Deletes specific Cache. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/certificates/read | Lists a collection of all certificates in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the certificate specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/certificates/write | Creates or updates the certificate being used for authentication with the backend. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/certificates/delete | Deletes specific certificate. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/certificates/refreshSecret/action | Refreshes certificate by fetching it from Key Vault. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contentTypes/read | Returns list of content types or Returns content type |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contentTypes/delete | Removes content type. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contentTypes/write | Creates new content type |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contentTypes/contentItems/read | Returns list of content items or Returns content item details |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contentTypes/contentItems/write | Creates new content item or Updates specified content item |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contentTypes/contentItems/delete | Removes specified content item. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/diagnostics/read | Lists all diagnostics of the API Management service instance. or Gets the details of the Diagnostic specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/diagnostics/write | Creates a new Diagnostic or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the Diagnostic specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/diagnostics/delete | Deletes the specified Diagnostic. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/documentations/read | Lists all Documentations of the API Management service instance. or Gets the details of the documentation specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/documentations/write | Creates or Updates a documentation. or Updates the specified documentation of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/documentations/delete | Delete documentation. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/eventGridFilters/write | Set Event Grid Filters |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/eventGridFilters/delete | Delete Event Grid Filters |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/eventGridFilters/read | Get Event Grid Filter |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/read | Lists a collection of gateways registered with service instance. or Gets the details of the Gateway specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/write | Creates or updates an Gateway to be used in Api Management instance. or Updates the details of the gateway specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/delete | Deletes specific Gateway. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/listKeys/action | Retrieves gateway keys. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/keys/action | Retrieves gateway keys. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/regenerateKey/action | Regenerates specified gateway key invalidationg any tokens created with it. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/generateToken/action | Gets the Shared Access Authorization Token for the gateway. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/token/action | Gets the Shared Access Authorization Token for the gateway. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/invalidateDebugCredentials/action | Forces gateway to reset all issued debug credentials |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/listDebugCredentials/action | Issue a debug credentials for requests |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/listTrace/action | List collected trace created by gateway |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/apis/read | Lists a collection of the APIs associated with a gateway. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/apis/write | Adds an API to the specified Gateway. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/apis/delete | Deletes the specified API from the specified Gateway. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/certificateAuthorities/read | Get Gateway CAs list. or Get assigned Certificate Authority details. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/certificateAuthorities/write | Adds an API to the specified Gateway. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/certificateAuthorities/delete | Unassign Certificate Authority from Gateway. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/hostnameConfigurations/read | Lists the collection of hostname configurations for the specified gateway. or Get details of a hostname configuration |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/hostnameConfigurations/write | Request subscription for a new product |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/hostnameConfigurations/delete | Deletes the specified hostname configuration. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/groups/read | Lists a collection of groups defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the group specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/groups/write | Creates or Updates a group. or Updates the details of the group specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/groups/delete | Deletes specific group of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/groups/users/read | Lists a collection of user entities associated with the group. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/groups/users/write | Add existing user to existing group |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/groups/users/delete | Remove existing user from existing group. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/identityProviders/read | Lists a collection of Identity Provider configured in the specified service instance. or Gets the configuration details of the identity Provider without secrets. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/identityProviders/write | Creates or Updates the IdentityProvider configuration. or Updates an existing IdentityProvider configuration. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/identityProviders/delete | Deletes the specified identity provider configuration. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/identityProviders/listSecrets/action | Gets Identity Provider secrets. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/issues/read | Lists a collection of issues in the specified service instance. or Gets API Management issue details |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/locations/networkstatus/read | Gets the network access status of resources on which the service depends in the location. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/loggers/read | Lists a collection of loggers in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the logger specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/loggers/write | Creates or Updates a logger. or Updates an existing logger. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/loggers/delete | Deletes the specified logger. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/namedValues/read | Lists a collection of named values defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the named value specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/namedValues/write | Creates or updates named value. or Updates the specific named value. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/namedValues/delete | Deletes specific named value from the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/namedValues/listValue/action | Gets the secret of the named value specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/namedValues/refreshSecret/action | Refreshes named value by fetching it from Key Vault. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/networkstatus/read | Gets the network access status of resources on which the service depends. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/read | Lists a collection of properties defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the Notification specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/write | Create or Update API Management publisher notification. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/recipientEmails/read | Gets the list of the Notification Recipient Emails subscribed to a notification. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/recipientEmails/write | Adds the Email address to the list of Recipients for the Notification. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/recipientEmails/delete | Removes the email from the list of Notification. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/recipientUsers/read | Gets the list of the Notification Recipient User subscribed to the notification. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/recipientUsers/write | Adds the API Management User to the list of Recipients for the Notification. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/recipientUsers/delete | Removes the API Management user from the list of Notification. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/openidConnectProviders/read | Lists of all the OpenId Connect Providers. or Gets specific OpenID Connect Provider without secrets. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/openidConnectProviders/write | Creates or updates the OpenID Connect Provider. or Updates the specific OpenID Connect Provider. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/openidConnectProviders/delete | Deletes specific OpenID Connect Provider of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/openidConnectProviders/listSecrets/action | Gets specific OpenID Connect Provider secrets. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/operationresults/read | Gets current status of long running operation |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints/read | Gets the outbound network dependency status of resources on which the service depends. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policies/read | Lists all the Global Policy definitions of the Api Management service. or Get the Global policy definition of the Api Management service. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policies/write | Creates or updates the global policy configuration of the Api Management service. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policies/delete | Deletes the global policy configuration of the Api Management Service. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policy/read | Get the policy configuration at Tenant level |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policy/write | Create policy configuration at Tenant level |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policy/delete | Delete the policy configuration at Tenant level |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyDescriptions/read | Lists all policy descriptions. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyFragments/read | Gets all policy fragments. or Gets a policy fragment. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyFragments/write | Creates or updates a policy fragment. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyFragments/delete | Deletes a policy fragment. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyFragments/listReferences/action | Lists policy resources that reference the policy fragment. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyRestrictions/read | Lists all the Global Policy Restrictions of the Api Management service. or Get the Global policy restriction of the Api Management service. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyRestrictions/write | Creates or updates the global policy restriction of the Api Management service. or Updates the global policy restriction of the Api Management service. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyRestrictions/delete | Deletes the global policy restriction of the Api Management Service. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policySnippets/read | Lists all policy snippets. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalConfigs/read | Lists a collection of developer portal config entities. or Gets developer portal config specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalConfigs/write | Creates a new developer portal config. or Updates the description of specified portal config or makes it current. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalConfigs/listDelegationSecrets/action | Gets validation key of portal delegation settings. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalConfigs/listMediaContentSecrets/action | Get media content blob container uri. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalRevisions/read | Lists a collection of developer portal revision entities. or Gets developer portal revision specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalRevisions/write | Creates a new developer portal revision. or Updates the description of specified portal revision or makes it current. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalSettings/read | Lists a collection of portal settings. or Get Sign In Settings for the Portal or Get Sign Up Settings for the Portal or Get Delegation Settings for the Portal. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalSettings/write | Update Sign-In settings. or Create or Update Sign-In settings. or Update Sign Up settings or Update Sign Up settings or Update Delegation settings. or Create or Update Delegation settings. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalSettings/listSecrets/action | Gets validation key of portal delegation settings. or Get media content blob container uri. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Create the private endpoint connection proxy |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete the private endpoint connection proxy |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate the private endpoint connection proxy |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationresults/read | View the result of private endpoint connection operations in the management portal |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnections/read | Get Private Endpoint Connections |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnections/write | Approve Or Reject Private Endpoint Connections |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Delete Private Endpoint Connections |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateLinkResources/read | Get Private Link Group resources |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/read | Lists a collection of products in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the product specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/write | Creates or Updates a product. or Update existing product details. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/delete | Delete product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/apiLinks/read | Lists a collection of product-API links in the specified service instance. or Get product-API details. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/apiLinks/write | Creates or Updates a product-API link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/apiLinks/delete | Delete product-API link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/apis/read | Lists a collection of the APIs associated with a product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/apis/write | Adds an API to the specified product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/apis/delete | Deletes the specified API from the specified product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/groupLinks/read | Lists a collection of product-group links in the specified service instance. or Get product-group details. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/groupLinks/write | Creates or Updates a product-group link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/groupLinks/delete | Delete product-group link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/groups/read | Lists the collection of developer groups associated with the specified product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/groups/write | Adds the association between the specified developer group with the specified product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/groups/delete | Deletes the association between the specified group and product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/policies/read | Get the policy configuration at the Product level. or Get the policy configuration at the Product level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/policies/write | Creates or updates policy configuration for the Product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/policies/delete | Deletes the policy configuration at the Product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/policy/read | Get the policy configuration at Product level |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/policy/write | Create policy configuration at Product level |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/policy/delete | Delete the policy configuration at Product level |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/subscriptions/read | Lists the collection of subscriptions to the specified product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/tags/read | Lists all Tags associated with the Product. or Get tag associated with the Product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/tags/write | Assign tag to the Product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/tags/delete | Detach the tag from the Product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/productsByTags/read | Lists a collection of products associated with tags. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/properties/read | Lists a collection of properties defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the property specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/properties/write | Creates or updates a property. or Updates the specific property. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/properties/delete | Deletes specific property from the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/properties/listSecrets/action | Gets the secrets of the property specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic setting for ApiManagement service |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for ApiManagement service |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Gets the available logs for API Management service |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available metrics for API Management service |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/quotas/read | Get values for quota |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/quotas/write | Set quota counter current value |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/quotas/periods/read | Get quota counter value for period |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/quotas/periods/write | Set quota counter current value |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/regions/read | Lists all azure regions in which the service exists. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/reports/read | Get report aggregated by time periods or Get report aggregated by geographical region or Get report aggregated by developers. or Get report aggregated by products. or Get report aggregated by APIs or Get report aggregated by operations or Get report aggregated by subscription. or Get requests reporting data |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/schemas/read | Lists a collection of schemas registered. or Gets the details of the Schema specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/schemas/write | Creates or updates an Schema to be used in Api Management instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/schemas/delete | Deletes specific Schema. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/settings/read | Lists a collection of tenant settings. Always empty. Use /settings/public instead |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/subscriptions/read | Lists all subscriptions of the API Management service instance. or Gets the specified Subscription entity (without keys). |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/subscriptions/write | Creates or updates the subscription of specified user to the specified product. or Updates the details of a subscription specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/subscriptions/delete | Deletes the specified subscription. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/subscriptions/regeneratePrimaryKey/action | Regenerates primary key of existing subscription of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/subscriptions/regenerateSecondaryKey/action | Regenerates secondary key of existing subscription of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/subscriptions/listSecrets/action | Gets the specified Subscription keys. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tagResources/read | Lists a collection of resources associated with tags. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/read | Lists a collection of tags defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the tag specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/write | Creates a tag. or Updates the details of the tag specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/delete | Deletes specific tag of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/apiLinks/read | Lists a collection of Tag-API links in the specified service instance. or Get Tag-API details. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/apiLinks/write | Creates or Updates a Tag-API link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/apiLinks/delete | Delete Tag-API link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/operationLinks/read | Lists a collection of Tag-operation links in the specified service instance. or Get Tag-operation details. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/operationLinks/write | Creates or Updates a Tag-operation link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/operationLinks/delete | Delete Tag-operation link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/productLinks/read | Lists a collection of Tag-product links in the specified service instance. or Get Tag-product details. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/productLinks/write | Creates or Updates a Tag-product link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/productLinks/delete | Delete Tag-product link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/templates/read | Gets all email templates or Gets API Management email template details |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/templates/write | Create or update API Management email template or Updates API Management email template |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/templates/delete | Reset default API Management email template |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/read | Lists a collection of tenant access settings. or Get the Global policy definition of the Api Management service. or Get tenant access information details |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/write | Set policy configuration for the tenant or Update tenant access information details or Update tenant access information details |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/delete | Remove policy configuration for the tenant |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/listSecrets/action | Get tenant access information details |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/regeneratePrimaryKey/action | Regenerate primary access key |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/regenerateSecondaryKey/action | Regenerate secondary access key |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/deploy/action | Runs a deployment task to apply changes from the specified git branch to the configuration in database. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/save/action | Creates commit with configuration snapshot to the specified branch in the repository |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/validate/action | Validates changes from the specified git branch |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/operationResults/read | Get list of operation results or Get result of a specific operation |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/syncState/read | Get status of last git synchronization |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/diagnostics/read | Lists all diagnostics of an API. or Gets the details of the Diagnostic for an API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/diagnostics/write | Creates a new Diagnostic for an API or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the Diagnostic for an API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/diagnostics/delete | Deletes the specified Diagnostic from an API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/read | Lists a collection of the operations for the specified API. or Gets the details of the API Operation specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/write | Creates a new operation in the API or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the operation in the API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/delete | Deletes the specified operation in the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/policies/read | Get the list of policy configuration at the API Operation level. or Get the policy configuration at the API Operation level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/policies/write | Creates or updates policy configuration for the API Operation level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/policies/delete | Deletes the policy configuration at the Api Operation. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/tags/read | Lists all Tags associated with the Operation. or Get tag associated with the Operation. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/tags/write | Assign tag to the Operation. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/tags/delete | Detach the tag from the Operation. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operationsByTags/read | Lists a collection of operations associated with tags. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/policies/read | Get the policy configuration at the API level. or Get the policy configuration at the API level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/policies/write | Creates or updates policy configuration for the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/policies/delete | Deletes the policy configuration at the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/products/read | Lists all Products, which the API is part of. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/releases/read | Lists all releases of an API. An API release is created when making an API Revision current. Releases are also used to rollback to previous revisions. Results will be paged and can be constrained by the $top and $skip parameters. or Returns the details of an API release. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/releases/delete | Removes all releases of the API or Deletes the specified release in the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/releases/write | Creates a new Release for the API. or Updates the details of the release of the API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/resolvers/read | Get the GraphQL resolvers at the API level. or Get the GraphQL resolver at the API level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/resolvers/write | Creates or updates GraphQL resolver for the API. or Updates the details of the GraphQL resolver in the API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/resolvers/delete | Deletes the policy configuration at the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/resolvers/policies/read | Get the list of policy configurations at the GraphQL API resolver level. or Get the policy configuration at the GraphQL API resolver level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/resolvers/policies/write | Creates or updates policy configuration for the GraphQL API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/resolvers/policies/delete | Deletes the policy configuration at the GraphQL Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/revisions/read | Lists all revisions of an API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/revisions/delete | Removes all revisions of an API |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/schemas/read | Get the schema configuration at the API level. or Get the schema configuration at the API level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/schemas/write | Creates or updates schema configuration for the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/schemas/delete | Deletes the schema configuration at the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/tagDescriptions/read | Lists all Tags descriptions in scope of API. Model similar to swagger - tagDescription is defined on API level but tag may be assigned to the Operations or Get Tag description in scope of API |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/tagDescriptions/write | Create/Update tag description in scope of the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/tagDescriptions/delete | Delete tag description for the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/tags/read | Lists all Tags associated with the API. or Get tag associated with the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/tags/write | Assign tag to the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/tags/delete | Detach the tag from the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/keys/read | Get a list of keys or Get details of key |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/keys/write | Create a Key to an existing Existing Entity or Update existing key details. This operation can be used to renew key. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/keys/delete | Delete key. This operation can be used to delete key. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/keys/regeneratePrimaryKey/action | Regenerate primary key |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/keys/regenerateSecondaryKey/action | Regenerate secondary key |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/read | Lists a collection of registered users in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the user specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/write | Creates or Updates a user. or Updates the details of the user specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/delete | Deletes specific user. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/generateSsoUrl/action | Retrieves a redirection URL containing an authentication token for signing a given user into the developer portal. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/token/action | Gets the Shared Access Authorization Token for the User. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/confirmations/send/action | Sends confirmation |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/groups/read | Lists all user groups. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/identities/read | List of all user identities. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/keys/read | Get keys associated with user |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/subscriptions/read | Lists the collection of subscriptions of the specified user. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaceLinks/read | Get WorkspaceLinks |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/join/action | Joins a service workspace. Not Alertable. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/read | Lists a collection of Workspaces defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the Workspace specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/write | Creates Workspace. or Updates the details of the Workspace specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/delete | Deletes specific Workspace of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/action | Sends notification to a specified user |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/read | Lists all APIs of the API Management service instance. or Gets the details of the API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/write | Creates new or updates existing specified API of the API Management service instance. or Updates the specified API of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/delete | Deletes the specified API of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/diagnostics/read | Lists all diagnostics of an API. or Gets the details of the Diagnostic for an API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/diagnostics/write | Creates a new Diagnostic for an API or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the Diagnostic for an API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/diagnostics/delete | Deletes the specified Diagnostic from an API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/read | Lists a collection of the operations for the specified API. or Gets the details of the API Operation specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/write | Creates a new operation in the API or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the operation in the API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/delete | Deletes the specified operation in the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/policies/read | Get the list of policy configuration at the API Operation level. or Get the policy configuration at the API Operation level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/policies/write | Creates or updates policy configuration for the API Operation level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/policies/delete | Deletes the policy configuration at the Api Operation. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/tags/read | Lists all Tags associated with the Operation. or Get tag associated with the Operation. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/tags/write | Assign tag to the Operation. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/tags/delete | Detach the tag from the Operation. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operationsByTags/read | Lists a collection of operations associated with tags. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/policies/read | Get the policy configuration at the API level. or Get the policy configuration at the API level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/policies/write | Creates or updates policy configuration for the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/policies/delete | Deletes the policy configuration at the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/products/read | Lists all Products, which the API is part of. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/releases/read | Lists all releases of an API. An API release is created when making an API Revision current. Releases are also used to rollback to previous revisions. Results will be paged and can be constrained by the $top and $skip parameters. or Returns the details of an API release. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/releases/delete | Removes all releases of the API or Deletes the specified release in the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/releases/write | Creates a new Release for the API. or Updates the details of the release of the API specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/revisions/read | Lists all revisions of an API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/schemas/read | Get the schema configuration at the API level. or Get the schema configuration at the API level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/schemas/write | Creates or updates schema configuration for the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/schemas/delete | Deletes the schema configuration at the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/schemas/document/read | Get the document describing the Schema |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/schemas/document/write | Update the document describing the Schema |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/tags/read | Lists all Tags associated with the API. or Get tag associated with the API. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/tags/write | Assign tag to the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/tags/delete | Detach the tag from the Api. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apiVersionSets/read | Lists a collection of API Version Sets in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the Api Version Set specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apiVersionSets/write | Creates or Updates a Api Version Set. or Updates the details of the Api VersionSet specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apiVersionSets/delete | Deletes specific Api Version Set. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apiVersionSets/versions/read | Get list of version entities |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/backends/read | Lists a collection of backed in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the backend specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/backends/write | Creates or Updates a Api Version Set. or Updates the details of the backend specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/backends/delete | Deletes specific Api Version Set. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/backends/reconnect/action | Notifies the APIM proxy to create a new connection to the backend after the specified timeout. If no timeout was specified, timeout of 2 minutes is used. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/certificates/read | Lists a collection of all certificates in the specified workspace or Gets the details of the certificate specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/certificates/write | Creates or updates the certificate being used for authentication with the backend. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/certificates/delete | Deletes specific certificate. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/certificates/refreshSecret/action | Refreshes certificate by fetching it from Key Vault. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/diagnostics/read | Lists all diagnostics of a workspace. or Gets the details of the Diagnostic for a workspace specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/diagnostics/write | Creates a new Diagnostic for a workspace or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the Diagnostic for a workspace specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/diagnostics/delete | Deletes the specified Diagnostic from a workspace. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/documentations/read | Lists all Documentations of the API Management service instance. or Gets the details of the documentation specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/documentations/write | Creates or Updates a documentation. or Updates the specified documentation of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/documentations/delete | Delete documentation. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/groups/read | Lists a collection of groups defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the group specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/groups/write | Creates or Updates a group. or Updates the details of the group specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/groups/delete | Deletes specific group of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/groups/users/read | Lists a collection of user entities associated with the group. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/groups/users/write | Add existing user to existing group |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/groups/users/delete | Remove existing user from existing group. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/loggers/read | Lists a collection of loggers in the specified workspace. or Gets the details of the logger specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/loggers/write | Creates or Updates a logger. or Updates an existing logger. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/loggers/delete | Deletes the specified logger. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/namedValues/read | Lists a collection of named values defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the named value specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/namedValues/write | Creates or updates named value. or Updates the specific named value. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/namedValues/delete | Deletes specific named value from the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/namedValues/listValue/action | Gets the secret of the named value specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/namedValues/refreshSecret/action | Refreshes named value by fetching it from Key Vault. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/read | Lists a collection of properties defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the Notification specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/write | Create or Update API Management publisher notification. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/recipientEmails/read | Gets the list of the Notification Recipient Emails subscribed to a notification. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/recipientEmails/write | Adds the Email address to the list of Recipients for the Notification. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/recipientEmails/delete | Removes the email from the list of Notification. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/recipientUsers/read | Gets the list of the Notification Recipient User subscribed to the notification. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/recipientUsers/write | Adds the API Management User to the list of Recipients for the Notification. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/recipientUsers/delete | Removes the API Management user from the list of Notification. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/policies/read | Get the policy configuration at the Workspace level. or Get the policy configuration at the Workspace level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/policies/write | Creates or updates policy configuration for the Workspace. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/policies/delete | Deletes the policy configuration at the Workspace. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/policyFragments/read | Gets all policy fragments. or Gets a policy fragment. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/policyFragments/write | Creates or updates a policy fragment. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/policyFragments/delete | Deletes a policy fragment. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/policyFragments/listReferences/action | Lists policy resources that reference the policy fragment. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/read | Lists a collection of products in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the product specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/write | Creates or Updates a product. or Update existing product details. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/delete | Delete product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/apiLinks/read | Lists a collection of product-API links in the specified service instance. or Get product-API details. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/apiLinks/write | Creates or Updates a product-API link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/apiLinks/delete | Delete product-API link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/apis/read | Lists a collection of the APIs associated with a product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/apis/write | Adds an API to the specified product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/apis/delete | Deletes the specified API from the specified product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/groupLinks/read | Lists a collection of product-group links in the specified service instance. or Get product-group details. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/groupLinks/write | Creates or Updates a product-group link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/groupLinks/delete | Delete product-group link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/groups/read | Lists the collection of developer groups associated with the specified product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/groups/write | Adds the association between the specified developer group with the specified product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/groups/delete | Deletes the association between the specified group and product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/policies/read | Get the policy configuration at the Product level. or Get the policy configuration at the Product level. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/policies/write | Creates or updates policy configuration for the Product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/policies/delete | Deletes the policy configuration at the Product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/subscriptions/read | Lists the collection of subscriptions to the specified product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/tags/read | Lists all Tags associated with the Product. or Get tag associated with the Product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/tags/write | Assign tag to the Product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/tags/delete | Detach the tag from the Product. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/schemas/read | Lists a collection of schemas registered. or Gets the details of the Schema specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/schemas/write | Creates or updates an Schema to be used in Api Management instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/schemas/delete | Deletes specific Schema. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/subscriptions/read | Lists all subscriptions of the API Management service instance. or Gets the specified Subscription entity (without keys). |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/subscriptions/write | Creates or updates the subscription of specified user to the specified product. or Updates the details of a subscription specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/subscriptions/delete | Deletes the specified subscription. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/subscriptions/regeneratePrimaryKey/action | Regenerates primary key of existing subscription of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/subscriptions/regenerateSecondaryKey/action | Regenerates secondary key of existing subscription of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/subscriptions/listSecrets/action | Gets the specified Subscription keys. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/read | Lists a collection of tags defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the tag specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/write | Creates a tag. or Updates the details of the tag specified by its identifier. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/delete | Deletes specific tag of the API Management service instance. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/apiLinks/read | Lists a collection of Tag-API links in the specified service instance. or Get Tag-API details. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/apiLinks/write | Creates or Updates a Tag-API link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/apiLinks/delete | Delete Tag-API link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/operationLinks/read | Lists a collection of Tag-operation links in the specified service instance. or Get Tag-operation details. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/operationLinks/write | Creates or Updates a Tag-operation link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/operationLinks/delete | Delete Tag-operation link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/productLinks/read | Lists a collection of Tag-product links in the specified service instance. or Get Tag-product details. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/productLinks/write | Creates or Updates a Tag-product link. |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/productLinks/delete | Delete Tag-product link. |
DataAction | Description |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/getConfiguration/action | Fetches configuration for specified self-hosted gateway |
Fast, scalable parameter storage for app configuration.
Azure service: Azure App Configuration
Action | Description |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/register/action | Registers a subscription to use Microsoft App Configuration. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/unregister/action | Unregisters a subscription from using Microsoft App Configuration. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/checkNameAvailability/read | Check whether the resource name is available for use. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/read | Gets the properties of the specified configuration store or lists all the configuration stores under the specified resource group or subscription. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/write | Create or update a configuration store with the specified parameters. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/delete | Deletes a configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/ListKeys/action | Lists the API keys for the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/RegenerateKey/action | Regenerates of the API key's for the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/ListKeyValue/action | Lists a key-value for the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action | Auto-Approve a private endpoint connection under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/keyValues/action | Performs an action on an existing key-value from the configuration store. This also grants the ability to read key values. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/joinPerimeter/action | Determines if a user is allowed to associate an Azure App Configuration with a Network Security Perimeter. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/resetSasKind/action | Reset SAS of a specific kind. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/generateSasToken/action | Generate a security token to be used for SAS authentication. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/eventGridFilters/read | Gets the properties of the specified configuration store event grid filter or lists all the configuration store event grid filters under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/eventGridFilters/write | Create or update a configuration store event grid filter with the specified parameters. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/eventGridFilters/delete | Deletes a configuration store event grid filter. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/keyValues/write | Creates or updates a key-value in the configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/keyValues/delete | Deletes an existing key-value from the configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read | Get the properties of the specific network security perimeter association proxy or lists all the network security perimeter association proxies under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write | Create or update a network security perimeter association proxy under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete | Delete a network security perimeter association proxy under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read | Get the properties of the specific network security perimeter configuration or lists all the network security perimeter configurations under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/reconcile/action | Reconcile a network security perimeter configuration under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate a private endpoint connection proxy under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Get a private endpoint connection proxy under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Create or update a private endpoint connection proxy under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete a private endpoint connection proxy under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateEndpointConnections/read | Get a private endpoint connection or list private endpoint connections under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateEndpointConnections/write | Approve or reject a private endpoint connection under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Delete a private endpoint connection under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateLinkResources/read | Lists all the private link resources under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Read all Diagnostic Settings values for a Configuration Store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Write/Overwrite Diagnostic Settings for Microsoft App Configuration. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Retrieve all log definitions for Microsoft App Configuration. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Retrieve all metric definitions for Microsoft App Configuration. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/replicas/read | Gets the properties of the specified replica or lists all the replicas under the specified configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/replicas/write | Creates a replica with the specified parameters. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/replicas/delete | Deletes a replica. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/action | Receive network security perimeter update notifications. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/locations/checkNameAvailability/read | Check whether the resource name is available for use. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/locations/deletedConfigurationStores/read | Gets the properties of the specified deleted configuration store or lists all the deleted configuration stores under the specified subscription. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/locations/deletedConfigurationStores/purge/action | Purge the specified deleted configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/locations/operationsStatus/read | Get the status of an operation. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/operations/read | Lists all of the operations supported by Microsoft App Configuration. |
DataAction | Description |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/useSasAuth/action | Use SAS authentication for the configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/keyValues/read | Reads a key-value from the configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/keyValues/write | Creates or updates a key-value in the configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/keyValues/delete | Deletes an existing key-value from the configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/snapshots/read | Reads a snapshot from the configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/snapshots/write | Creates or updates a snapshot in the configuration store. |
Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/snapshots/archive/action | Modifies archival state for an existing snapshot in the configuration store. |
Azure service: Azure Communication Services
Action | Description |
Microsoft.Communication/Register/Action | Registers Microsoft.Communication resource provider |
Microsoft.Communication/Unregister/Action | Unregisters Microsoft.Communication resource provider |
Microsoft.Communication/CheckNameAvailability/action | Checks if a name is available |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/Read | Reads communication services |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/Write | Writes communication services |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/Delete | Deletes communication services |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/ListKeys/action | Reads the keys for a communication service |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/RegenerateKey/action | Regenerates the primary or secondary key for a communication service |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/LinkNotificationHub/action | Links an Azure Notification Hub to the communication service |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/networkSecurityConfigurations/action | Refresh a Network Security Perimeter Configuration |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/EventGridFilters/Read | Reads EventGrid filters on communication services |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/EventGridFilters/Write | Writes EventGrid filters on communication services |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/EventGridFilters/Delete | Removes an EventGrid filter on communication services |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/networkSecurityConfigurations/read | Read Network Security Perimeter Configuration |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write | Write Network Security Perimeter Assocation |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read | Read Network Security Perimeter Assocation |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete | Delete Network Security Perimeter Assocation |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/SmtpUsernames/read | Get an SMTP username resource. |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/SmtpUsernames/write | Add SMTP username resource or update an existing resource. |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/SmtpUsernames/delete | Operation to delete an SMTP username resource. |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/Read | Reads communication services |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/Write | Writes communication services |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/Delete | Deletes communication services |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/ListKeys/action | Reads the keys for a communication service |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/RegenerateKey/action | Regenerates the primary or secondary key for a communication service |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/LinkNotificationHub/action | Links an Azure Notification Hub to the communication service |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/EventGridFilters/Read | Reads EventGrid filters on communication services |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/EventGridFilters/Write | Writes EventGrid filters on communication services |
Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/EventGridFilters/Delete | Removes an EventGrid filter on communication services |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/read | Get the EmailService and its properties. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/write | Get the EmailService and its properties. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/delete | Operation to delete a EmailService. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/verifiedExchangeOnlineDomains/action | List Verified Domains from the exchange online tenant. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/read | Get the email Domain and its properties. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/write | Add a new Domain under the parent EmailService resource or update an existing Domain resource. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/delete | Operation to delete a Domain resource. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/InitiateVerification/action | Initiate verification of Dns record. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/CancelVerification/action | Cancel verification of Dns record. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/RevokeVerification/action | Revoke existing verified status of a Dns record. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SenderUsernames/read | List all valid sender usernames for a domains resource. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SenderUsernames/read | Get the email SenderUsername and its properties. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SenderUsernames/write | Add a new SenderUsername under the parent Domain resource or update an existing SenderUsername resource. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SenderUsernames/delete | Operation to delete a SenderUsername resource. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/read | List all suppression lists for a domains resource. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/read | Get the suppression list and its properties. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/write | Add a new suppression list under the parent Domain resource or update an existing suppression list. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/delete | Operation to delete a suppressio lists. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/SuppressionListAddresses/read | Get all the addresses in a suppression list. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/SuppressionListAddresses/read | Get all the addresses in a suppression list. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/SuppressionListAddresses/write | Add a new suppression list under the parent Domain resource or update an existing suppression list. |
Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/SuppressionListAddresses/delete | Operation to delete an address from a suppression list. |
Microsoft.Communication/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/action | Notifies that new Network Security Perimeter updates are available |
Microsoft.Communication/Locations/OperationStatuses/read | Reads the status of an async operation |
Microsoft.Communication/Locations/OperationStatuses/write | Writes the status of an async operation |
Microsoft.Communication/Operations/read | Reads operations |
Microsoft.Communication/RegisteredSubscriptions/read | Reads registered subscriptions |
Get reliable event delivery at massive scale.
Azure service: Event Grid
Action | Description |
Microsoft.EventGrid/register/action | Registers the subscription for the EventGrid resource provider. |
Microsoft.EventGrid/unregister/action | Unregisters the subscription for the EventGrid resource provider. |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/write | Create or update a domain |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/read | Read a domain |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/delete | Delete a domain |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/listKeys/action | List keys for a domain |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/regenerateKey/action | Regenerate key for a domain |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action | Approve PrivateEndpointConnections for domains |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/eventSubscriptions/write | Create or update a Domain eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/eventSubscriptions/read | Read a Domain eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/eventSubscriptions/delete | Delete a Domain eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/eventSubscriptions/getFullUrl/action | Get full URL for the Domain event subscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/eventSubscriptions/getDeliveryAttributes/action | Get Domain EventSubscription Delivery Attributes |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read | Read NspAssociationProxies for domains |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write | Write NspAssociationProxies for domains |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete | Delete NspAssociationProxies for domains |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read | Read NspConfiguration for domains |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for domains |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Read PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for domains |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Write PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for domains |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for domains |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/privateEndpointConnections/read | Read PrivateEndpointConnections for domains |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/privateEndpointConnections/write | Write PrivateEndpointConnections for domains |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Delete PrivateEndpointConnections for domains |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/privateLinkResources/read | Get or List PrivateLinkResources for domains |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Allows access to diagnostic logs |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available metrics for domains |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/topics/read | Read a domain topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/topics/write | Create or update a domain topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/topics/delete | Delete a domain topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/topics/eventSubscriptions/write | Create or update a DomainTopic eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/topics/eventSubscriptions/read | Read a DomainTopic eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/topics/eventSubscriptions/delete | Delete a DomainTopic eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/topics/eventSubscriptions/getFullUrl/action | Get full URL for the DomainTopic event subscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/topics/eventSubscriptions/getDeliveryAttributes/action | Get DomainTopic EventSubscription Delivery Attributes |
Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions/write | Create or update an eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions/read | Read an eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions/delete | Delete an eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions/getFullUrl/action | Get full URL for the event subscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions/getDeliveryAttributes/action | Get EventSubscription Delivery Attributes |
Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic setting for event subscriptions |
Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for event subscriptions |
Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available metrics for eventSubscriptions |
Microsoft.EventGrid/extensionTopics/read | Read an extensionTopic. |
Microsoft.EventGrid/extensionTopics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic setting for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/extensionTopics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/extensionTopics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available metrics for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/action | Upate notifications for network security perimeter |
Microsoft.EventGrid/locations/eventSubscriptions/read | List regional event subscriptions |
Microsoft.EventGrid/locations/operationResults/read | Read the result of a regional operation |
Microsoft.EventGrid/locations/operationsStatus/read | Read the status of a regional operation |
Microsoft.EventGrid/locations/topictypes/eventSubscriptions/read | List regional event subscriptions by topictype |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/write | Create or update a namespace |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/read | Read a namespace |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/delete | Delete a namespace |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/listKeys/action | List keys for a namespace |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/regenerateKey/action | Regenerate key for a namespace |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action | Approve PrivateEndpointConnections for namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/caCertificates/read | Read a CA Certificate |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/caCertificates/write | Create or update a CA Certificate |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/caCertificates/delete | Delete a CA Certificate |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/clientGroups/read | Read a client group |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/clientGroups/write | Create or update a client group |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/clientGroups/delete | Delete a client group |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/clients/read | Read a client |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/clients/write | Create or update a client |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/clients/delete | Delete a client |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/permissionBindings/read | Read a Permission Binding |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/permissionBindings/write | Create or update a Permission Binding |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/permissionBindings/delete | Delete a Permission Binding |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Read PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Write PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/read | Read PrivateEndpointConnections for namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/write | Write PrivateEndpointConnections for namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Delete PrivateEndpointConnections for namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateLinkResources/read | Read PrivateLinkResources for namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available metrics for namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/read | Read a namespace topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/write | Create or update a namespace topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/delete | Delete a namespace topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/listKeys/action | List keys for a namespace topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions/read | Read a namespace topic event subscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions/write | Create or update a namespace topic event subscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions/delete | Delete a namespace topic event subscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topicSpaces/read | Read a Topic Space |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topicSpaces/write | Create or update a Topic Space |
Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topicSpaces/delete | Delete a Topic Space |
Microsoft.EventGrid/operationResults/read | Read the result of an operation |
Microsoft.EventGrid/operations/read | List EventGrid operations. |
Microsoft.EventGrid/operationsStatus/read | Read the status of an operation |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerConfigurations/read | Read a partner configuration |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerConfigurations/write | Create or update a partner configuration |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerConfigurations/delete | Delete a partner configuration |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerConfigurations/authorizePartner/action | Authorize a partner in the partner configuration |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerConfigurations/unauthorizePartner/action | Unauthorize a partner in the partner configuration |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerDestinations/read | Read a partner destination |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerDestinations/write | Create or update a partner destination |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerDestinations/delete | Delete a partner destination |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerDestinations/activate/action | Activate a partner destination |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerDestinations/getPartnerDestinationChannelInfo/action | Get channel details of activated partner destination |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerDestinations/setToIdleState/action | Set provisioning status of partner destination to idle |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerDestinations/reLinkPartnerDestination/action | Re-link an idle partner destination to a newly created channel |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/write | Create or update a partner namespace |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/read | Read a partner namespace |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/delete | Delete a partner namespace |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/listKeys/action | List keys for a partner namespace |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/regenerateKey/action | Regenerate key for a partner namespace |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action | Approve PrivateEndpointConnections for partner namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/channels/read | Read a channel |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/channels/write | Create or update a channel |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/channels/delete | Delete a channel |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/channels/channelReadinessStateChange/action | Change channel readiness state |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/channels/getFullUrl/action | Get full URL for the partner destination channel |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/channels/SetChannelToIdle/action | Set provisioning status of channel to idle |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/eventChannels/read | Read an event channel |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/eventChannels/write | Create or update an event channel |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/eventChannels/delete | Delete an event channel |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/eventChannels/channelReadinessStateChange/action | Change event channel readiness state |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/eventChannels/SetEventChannelToIdle/action | Set provisioning status of event channel to idle |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for partner namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Read PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for partner namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Write PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for partner namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for partner namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/privateEndpointConnections/read | Read PrivateEndpointConnections for partner namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/privateEndpointConnections/write | Write PrivateEndpointConnections for partner namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Delete PrivateEndpointConnections for partner namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/privateLinkResources/read | Read PrivateLinkResources for partner namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic setting for partner namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for partner namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Allows access to diagnostic logs |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available metrics for partner namespaces |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerRegistrations/write | Create or update a partner registration |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerRegistrations/read | Read a partner registration |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerRegistrations/delete | Delete a partner registration |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/read | Read a partner topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/write | Create or update a partner topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/delete | Delete a partner topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/setToIdleState/action | Set provisioning status of partner topic to idle |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/reLinkPartnerTopic/action | Re-link an idle PartnerTopic to a newly created channel |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/activate/action | Activate a partner topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/deactivate/action | Deactivate a partner topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/eventSubscriptions/write | Create or update a PartnerTopic eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/eventSubscriptions/read | Read a partner topic event subscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/eventSubscriptions/delete | Delete a partner topic event subscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/eventSubscriptions/getFullUrl/action | Get full URL for the partner topic event subscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/eventSubscriptions/getDeliveryAttributes/action | Get PartnerTopic EventSubscription Delivery Attributes |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic setting for partner topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for partner topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Allows access to diagnostic logs |
Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available metrics for partner topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/sku/read | Read available Sku Definitions for event grid resources |
Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics/read | Read a system topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics/write | Create or update a system topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics/delete | Delete a system topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics/eventSubscriptions/write | Create or update a SystemTopic eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics/eventSubscriptions/read | Read a SystemTopic eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics/eventSubscriptions/delete | Delete a SystemTopic eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics/eventSubscriptions/getFullUrl/action | Get full URL for the SystemTopic event subscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics/eventSubscriptions/getDeliveryAttributes/action | Get SystemTopic EventSubscription Delivery Attributes |
Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic setting for system topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for system topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Allows access to diagnostic logs |
Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available metrics for system topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/write | Create or update a topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/read | Read a topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/delete | Delete a topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/listKeys/action | List keys for a topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/regenerateKey/action | Regenerate key for a topic |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action | Approve PrivateEndpointConnections for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/eventSubscriptions/write | Create or update a Topic eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/eventSubscriptions/read | Read a Topic eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/eventSubscriptions/delete | Delete a Topic eventSubscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/eventSubscriptions/getFullUrl/action | Get full URL for the Topic event subscription |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/eventSubscriptions/getDeliveryAttributes/action | Get Topic EventSubscription Delivery Attributes |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read | Read NspAssociationProxies for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write | Write NspAssociationProxies for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete | Delete NspAssociationProxies for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read | Read NspConfiguration for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Read PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Write PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/privateEndpointConnections/read | Read PrivateEndpointConnections for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/privateEndpointConnections/write | Write PrivateEndpointConnections for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Delete PrivateEndpointConnections for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/privateLinkResources/read | Read PrivateLinkResources for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic setting for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Allows access to diagnostic logs |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available metrics for topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topictypes/read | Read a topictype |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topictypes/eventSubscriptions/read | List global event subscriptions by topic type |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topictypes/eventtypes/read | Read eventtypes supported by a topictype |
Microsoft.EventGrid/verifiedPartners/read | Read a verified partner |
DataAction | Description |
Microsoft.EventGrid/events/send/action | Send events to topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/events/receive/action | Receive events from namespace topics |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topicSpaces/subscribe/action | Subscribe to a topic space |
Microsoft.EventGrid/topicSpaces/publish/action | Publish to a topic space |
Receive telemetry from millions of devices.
Azure service: Event Hubs
Action | Description |
Microsoft.EventHub/checkNamespaceAvailability/action | Checks availability of namespace under given subscription. This API is deprecated please use CheckNameAvailability instead. |
Microsoft.EventHub/checkNameAvailability/action | Checks availability of namespace under given subscription. |
Microsoft.EventHub/register/action | Registers the subscription for the EventHub resource provider and enables the creation of EventHub resources |
Microsoft.EventHub/unregister/action | Registers the EventHub Resource Provider |
Microsoft.EventHub/availableClusterRegions/read | Read operation to list available pre-provisioned clusters by Azure region. |
Microsoft.EventHub/clusters/read | Gets EventHub Cluster Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/clusters/write | Create or Update EventHub Cluster Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/clusters/delete | Delete EventHub Cluster Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/clusters/namespaces/read | List namespace Azure Resource Manager IDs for namespaces within a cluster. |
Microsoft.EventHub/clusters/operationresults/read | Get the status of an asynchronous cluster operation. |
Microsoft.EventHub/clusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Get list of Cluster metrics Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.EventHub/locations/deleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action | Deletes the VNet rules in EventHub Resource Provider for the specified VNet |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/write | Create a Namespace Resource and Update its properties. Tags and Capacity of the Namespace are the properties which can be updated. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/read | Get the list of Namespace Resource Description |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/Delete | Delete Namespace Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/action | Updates Namespace Authorization Rule. This API is deprecated. Please use a PUT call to update the Namespace Authorization Rule instead.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/removeAcsNamepsace/action | Remove ACS namespace |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/updateState/action | UpdateNamespaceState |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action | Approve Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/read | Get the list of Namespaces Authorization Rules description. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/write | Create a Namespace level Authorization Rules and update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights, the Primary and Secondary Keys can be updated. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/delete | Delete Namespace Authorization Rule. The Default Namespace Authorization Rule cannot be deleted. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/listkeys/action | Get the Connection String to the Namespace |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action | Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/disasterrecoveryconfigs/checkNameAvailability/action | Checks availability of namespace alias under given subscription. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/write | Creates or Updates the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/read | Gets the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/delete | Deletes the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace. This operation can only be invoked via the primary namespace. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/breakPairing/action | Disables Disaster Recovery and stops replicating changes from primary to secondary namespaces. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/failover/action | Invokes a GEO DR failover and reconfigures the namespace alias to point to the secondary namespace. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/authorizationRules/read | Get Disaster Recovery Primary Namespace's Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/authorizationRules/listkeys/action | Gets the authorization rules keys for the Disaster Recovery primary namespace |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/write | Create or Update EventHub properties. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/read | Get list of EventHub Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/Delete | Operation to delete EventHub Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules/action | Operation to update EventHub. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. Authorization Rules. Please use a PUT call to update Authorization Rule. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules/read | Get the list of EventHub Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules/write | Create EventHub Authorization Rules and Update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access. Rights can be updated. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules/delete | Operation to delete EventHub Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules/listkeys/action | Get the Connection String to EventHub |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action | Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventHubs/consumergroups/write | Create or Update ConsumerGroup properties. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventHubs/consumergroups/read | Get list of ConsumerGroup Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventHubs/consumergroups/Delete | Operation to delete ConsumerGroup Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/ipFilterRules/read | Get IP Filter Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/ipFilterRules/write | Create IP Filter Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/ipFilterRules/delete | Delete IP Filter Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/messagingPlan/read | Gets the Messaging Plan for a namespace. This API is deprecated. Properties exposed via the MessagingPlan resource are moved to the (parent) Namespace resource in later API versions.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/messagingPlan/write | Updates the Messaging Plan for a namespace. This API is deprecated. Properties exposed via the MessagingPlan resource are moved to the (parent) Namespace resource in later API versions.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkruleset/read | Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkruleset/write | Create VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkruleset/delete | Delete VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkrulesets/read | Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkrulesets/write | Create VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkrulesets/delete | Delete VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/reconcile/action | Reconcile Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read | Get Network Security Perimeter Configurations |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/reconcile/action | Reconcile Network Security Perimeter Configurations |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/operationresults/read | Get the status of Namespace operation |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationstatus/read | Get the status of an asynchronous private endpoint operation |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/write | Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Removes Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/operationstatus/read | Get the status of an asynchronous private endpoint operation |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateLinkResources/read | Gets the resource types that support private endpoint connections |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Get list of Namespace diagnostic settings Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Get list of Namespace diagnostic settings Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Get list of Namespace logs Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Get list of Namespace metrics Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/schemagroups/write | Create or Update SchemaGroup properties. |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/schemagroups/read | Get list of SchemaGroup Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/schemagroups/delete | Operation to delete SchemaGroup Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/virtualNetworkRules/read | Gets VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/virtualNetworkRules/write | Create VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/virtualNetworkRules/delete | Delete VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.EventHub/operations/read | Get Operations |
Microsoft.EventHub/sku/read | Get list of Sku Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.EventHub/sku/regions/read | Get list of SkuRegions Resource Descriptions |
DataAction | Description |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/messages/send/action | Send messages |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/messages/receive/action | Receive messages |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/schemas/read | Retrieve schemas |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/schemas/write | Write schemas |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/schemas/delete | Delete schemas |
Azure service: Azure API for FHIR
Action | Description |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/register/action | Subscription Registration Action |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/unregister/action | Unregisters the subscription for the resource provider. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/checkNameAvailability/read | Checks for the availability of the specified name. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/locations/checkNameAvailability/read | Checks for the availability of the specified name. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/locations/operationresults/read | Read the status of an asynchronous operation. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/Operations/read | Read the operations for all resource types. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/read | Reads resources. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/write | Writes resources. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/delete | Deletes resources. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Writes Private Endpoint Connection Proxy resources. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Reads Private Endpoint Connection Proxy resources. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Deletes Private Endpoint Connection Proxy resources. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnections/read | Reads Private Endpoint Connections resources. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnections/write | Writes connection status to Private Endpoint Connection. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Deletes Private Endpoint Connections. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateLinkResources/read | Reads Private Link resources. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic settings for Azure API for FHIR |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic settings for Azure API for FHIR |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Gets the available logs for Azure API for FHIR |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the metrics settings for Azure API for FHIR |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/validateMedtechMappings/read | Handles requests related to editing IotConnector mapping files |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/read | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/write | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/delete | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/read | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/write | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/delete | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic settings for the Azure service. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic settings for the Azure service. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Gets the available logs for the Azure service. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the metrics settings for the Azure service. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/eventGridFilters/read | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/eventGridFilters/write | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/eventGridFilters/delete | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/read | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/write | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/delete | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic settings for the Azure service. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic settings for the Azure service. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Gets the available logs for the Azure service. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the metrics settings for the Azure service. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/read | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/write | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/delete | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/destinations/read | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/destinations/write | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/destinations/delete | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/fhirdestinations/read | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/fhirdestinations/write | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/fhirdestinations/delete | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic settings for the Azure service. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostic settings for the Azure service. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Gets the available logs for the Azure service. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the metrics settings for the Azure service. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateEndpointConnections/read | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateEndpointConnections/write | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateEndpointConnections/delete | |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateLinkResources/read | Reads Private Link resources. |
DataAction | Description |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/read | Read FHIR resources (includes searching and versioned history). |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/write | Write FHIR resources (includes create and update). |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/delete | Delete FHIR resources (soft delete). |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/hardDelete/action | Hard Delete (including version history). |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/export/action | Export operation ($export). |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/smart/action | Allows user to access FHIR Service according to SMART on FHIR specification. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/searchParameter/action | Allows running of $status operation for Search Parameters |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/convertData/action | Data convert operation ($convert-data) |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/resourceValidate/action | Validate operation ($validate). |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/reindex/action | Allows user to run Reindex job to index any search parameters that haven't yet been indexed. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/editProfileDefinitions/action | Allows user to perform Create Update Delete operations on profile resources. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/import/action | Import FHIR resources in batch. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/resources/read | Read DICOM resources (includes searching and change feed). |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/resources/write | Write DICOM resources. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/resources/delete | Delete DICOM resources. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/resources/manageExtendedQueryTags/action | Manage DICOM extended query tags. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/resources/export/action | Export resources from the DICOM service. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/read | Read FHIR resources (includes searching and versioned history). |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/write | Write FHIR resources (includes create and update). |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/delete | Delete FHIR resources (soft delete). |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/hardDelete/action | Hard Delete (including version history). |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/export/action | Export operation ($export). |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/convertData/action | Data convert operation ($convert-data) |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/resourceValidate/action | Validate operation ($validate). |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/import/action | Import FHIR resources in batch. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/smart/action | Allows user to access FHIR Service according to SMART on FHIR specification. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/reindex/action | Allows user to run Reindex job to index any search parameters that haven't yet been indexed. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/editProfileDefinitions/action | Allows user to perform Create Update Delete operations on profile resources. |
Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/searchParameter/action | Allows running of $status operation for Search Parameters |
Azure service: Azure Health Data Services
Action | Description |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/register/action | Register the subscription for Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/unregister/action | Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/read | List DeidService resources by subscription ID |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/read | List DeidService resources by resource group |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/read | Get a DeidService |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/write | Create a DeidService |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/delete | Delete a DeidService |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/write | Update a DeidService |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/locations/operationStatuses/read | read operationStatuses |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/locations/operationStatuses/write | write operationStatuses |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/Operations/read | read Operations |
DataAction | Description |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/Realtime/action | Allows access to the realtime endpoint |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/Batch/write | Creates batches |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/Batch/delete | Deletes a batch |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/Batch/read | Reads a batch |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Deletes private endpoint connection proxies |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Reads private endpoint connection proxies |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Writes private endpoint connection proxies |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validates private endpoint connection proxies |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validates private endpoint connection proxies |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/PrivateEndpointConnections/read | Reads private endpoint connections |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/PrivateEndpointConnections/write | Writes private endpoint connections |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/PrivateEndpointConnections/delete | Deletes private endpoint connections |
Microsoft.HealthDataAIServices/DeidServices/PrivateLinkResources/read | Reads private link resources |
Automate the access and use of data across clouds without writing code.
Azure service: Logic Apps
Action | Description |
Microsoft.Logic/register/action | Registers the Microsoft.Logic resource provider for a given subscription. |
Microsoft.Logic/businessprocesses/read | Reads the business process. |
Microsoft.Logic/businessprocesses/write | Writes the business process. |
Microsoft.Logic/businessprocesses/delete | Deletes the business process. |
Microsoft.Logic/businessprocesses/developmentartifacts/read | Reads the business process development artifact. |
Microsoft.Logic/businessprocesses/developmentartifacts/write | Writes the business process development artifact. |
Microsoft.Logic/businessprocesses/developmentartifacts/validate/action | Validates the business process development artifact. |
Microsoft.Logic/businessprocesses/versions/read | Reads the business process version. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/read | Reads the integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/write | Creates or updates the integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/delete | Deletes the integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/regenerateAccessKey/action | Regenerates the access key secrets. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/listCallbackUrl/action | Gets the callback URL for integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/listKeyVaultKeys/action | Gets the keys in the key vault. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/logTrackingEvents/action | Logs the tracking events in the integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/join/action | Joins the Integration Account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/agreements/read | Reads the agreement in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/agreements/write | Creates or updates the agreement in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/agreements/delete | Deletes the agreement in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/agreements/listContentCallbackUrl/action | Gets the callback URL for agreement content in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/assemblies/read | Reads the assembly in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/assemblies/write | Creates or updates the assembly in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/assemblies/delete | Deletes the assembly in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/assemblies/listContentCallbackUrl/action | Gets the callback URL for assembly content in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/batchConfigurations/read | Reads the batch configuration in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/batchConfigurations/write | Creates or updates the batch configuration in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/batchConfigurations/delete | Deletes the batch configuration in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/certificates/read | Reads the certificate in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/certificates/write | Creates or updates the certificate in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/certificates/delete | Deletes the certificate in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/groups/read | Reads the group in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/groups/write | Creates or updates the group in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/groups/delete | Deletes the group in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/maps/read | Reads the map in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/maps/write | Creates or updates the map in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/maps/delete | Deletes the map in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/maps/listContentCallbackUrl/action | Gets the callback URL for map content in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/partners/read | Reads the partner in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/partners/write | Creates or updates the partner in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/partners/delete | Deletes the partner in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/partners/listContentCallbackUrl/action | Gets the callback URL for partner content in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Gets the Private Endpoint Connection Proxies. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Creates or Updates the Private Endpoint Connection Proxies. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Deletes the Private Endpoint Connection Proxies. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validates the Private Endpoint Connection Proxies. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationStatuses/read | Gets Private Endpoint Connection Proxies operation status. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Reads the Integration Account log definitions. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/rosettaNetProcessConfigurations/read | Reads the RosettaNet process configuration in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/rosettaNetProcessConfigurations/write | Creates or updates the RosettaNet process configuration in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/rosettaNetProcessConfigurations/delete | Deletes the RosettaNet process configuration in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/schedules/read | Reads the schedule in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/schedules/write | Creates or updates the schedule in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/schedules/delete | Deletes the schedule in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/schemas/read | Reads the schema in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/schemas/write | Creates or updates the schema in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/schemas/delete | Deletes the schema in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/schemas/listContentCallbackUrl/action | Gets the callback URL for schema content in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/sessions/read | Reads the session in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/sessions/write | Creates or updates the session in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/sessions/delete | Deletes the session in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/usageConfigurations/read | Reads the usage configuration in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/usageConfigurations/write | Creates or updates the usage configuration in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/usageConfigurations/delete | Deletes the usage configuration in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/usageConfigurations/listCallbackUrl/action | Gets the callback URL for the usage configuration in integration account. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/read | Reads the integration service environment. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/write | Creates or updates the integration service environment. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/delete | Deletes the integration service environment. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/join/action | Joins the Integration Service Environment. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/availableManagedApis/read | Reads the integration service environment available managed APIs. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/managedApis/read | Reads the integration service environment managed API. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/managedApis/write | Creates or updates the integration service environment managed API. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/managedApis/join/action | Joins the Integration Service Environment Managed API. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/managedApis/apiOperations/read | Reads the integration service environment managed API operation. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/managedApis/operationStatuses/read | Reads the integration service environment managed API operation statuses. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/operationStatuses/read | Reads the integration service environment operation statuses. |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Reads the integration service environment metric definitions. |
Microsoft.Logic/locations/workflows/validate/action | Validates the workflow. |
Microsoft.Logic/locations/workflows/recommendOperationGroups/action | Gets the workflow recommend operation groups. |
Microsoft.Logic/operations/read | Gets the operation. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/read | Reads the workflow. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/write | Creates or updates the workflow. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/delete | Deletes the workflow. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/run/action | Starts a run of the workflow. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/disable/action | Disables the workflow. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/enable/action | Enables the workflow. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/suspend/action | Suspends the workflow. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/validate/action | Validates the workflow. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/move/action | Moves Workflow from its existing subscription id, resource group, and/or name to a different subscription id, resource group, and/or name. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/listSwagger/action | Gets the workflow swagger definitions. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/regenerateAccessKey/action | Regenerates the access key secrets. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/listCallbackUrl/action | Gets the callback URL for workflow. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/accessKeys/read | Reads the access key. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/accessKeys/write | Creates or updates the access key. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/accessKeys/delete | Deletes the access key. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/accessKeys/list/action | Lists the access key secrets. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/accessKeys/regenerate/action | Regenerates the access key secrets. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/detectors/read | Reads the workflow detector. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Reads the workflow diagnostic settings. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the workflow diagnostic setting. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Reads the workflow log definitions. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Reads the workflow metric definitions. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/read | Reads the workflow run. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/delete | Deletes a run of a workflow. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/cancel/action | Cancels the run of a workflow. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/actions/read | Reads the workflow run action. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/actions/listExpressionTraces/action | Gets the workflow run action expression traces. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/actions/repetitions/read | Reads the workflow run action repetition. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/actions/repetitions/listExpressionTraces/action | Gets the workflow run action repetition expression traces. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/actions/repetitions/requestHistories/read | Reads the workflow run repetition action request history. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/actions/requestHistories/read | Reads the workflow run action request history. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/actions/scoperepetitions/read | Reads the workflow run action scope repetition. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/operations/read | Reads the workflow run operation status. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/read | Reads the trigger. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/run/action | Executes the trigger. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/reset/action | Resets the trigger. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/setState/action | Sets the trigger state. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/listCallbackUrl/action | Gets the callback URL for trigger. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/histories/read | Reads the trigger histories. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/histories/resubmit/action | Resubmits the workflow trigger. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/versions/read | Reads the workflow version. |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows/versions/triggers/listCallbackUrl/action | Gets the callback URL for trigger. |
Send push notifications to any platform from any back end.
Azure service: Notification Hubs
Action | Description |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/register/action | Registers the subscription for the NotificationHubs resource provider and enables the creation of Namespaces and NotificationHubs |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/unregister/action | Unregisters the subscription for the NotificationHubs resource provider and enables the creation of Namespaces and NotificationHubs |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/CheckNamespaceAvailability/action | Checks whether or not a given Namespace resource name is available within the NotificationHub service. |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/CheckNamespaceAvailability/read | Checks whether or not a given Namespace resource name is available within the NotificationHub service. |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/write | Create a Namespace Resource and Update its properties. Tags and Capacity of the Namespace are the properties which can be updated. |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/read | Get the list of Namespace Resource Description |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/delete | Delete Namespace Resource |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/authorizationRules/action | Get the list of Namespaces Authorization Rules description. |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/CheckNotificationHubAvailability/action | Checks whether or not a given NotificationHub name is available inside a Namespace. |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action | Approve Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/authorizationRules/write | Create a Namespace level Authorization Rules and update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights, the Primary and Secondary Keys can be updated. |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/authorizationRules/read | Get the list of Namespaces Authorization Rules description. |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/authorizationRules/delete | Delete Namespace Authorization Rule. The Default Namespace Authorization Rule cannot be deleted. |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/authorizationRules/listkeys/action | Get the Connection String to the Namespace |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action | Namespace Authorization Rule Regenerate Primary/SecondaryKey, Specify the Key that needs to be regenerated |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/write | Create a Notification Hub and Update its properties. Its properties mainly include PNS Credentials. Authorization Rules and TTL |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/read | Get list of Notification Hub Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/delete | Delete Notification Hub Resource |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/authorizationRules/action | Get the list of Notification Hub Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/pnsCredentials/action | Get All Notification Hub PNS Credentials. This includes, WNS, MPNS, APNS, GCM and Baidu credentials |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/debugSend/action | Send a test push notification to 10 matched devices. |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/authorizationRules/write | Create Notification Hub Authorization Rules and Update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights, the Primary and Secondary Keys can be updated. |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/authorizationRules/read | Get the list of Notification Hub Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/authorizationRules/delete | Delete Notification Hub Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/authorizationRules/listkeys/action | Get the Connection String to the Notification Hub |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action | Notification Hub Authorization Rule Regenerate Primary/SecondaryKey, Specify the Key that needs to be regenerated |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/metricDefinitions/read | Get list of Namespace metrics Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/vapidkeys/read | Get new pair of VAPID keys for a Notification Hub |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/operations/read | Returns a list of supported operations for Notification Hubs namespaces provider |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationstatus/read | Get the status of an asynchronous private endpoint operation |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/write | Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Removes Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/operationstatus/read | Removes Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Get Namespace diagnostic settings |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Create or Update Namespace diagnostic settings |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Gets the available logs for Namespace |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/operationResults/read | Returns operation results for Notification Hubs provider |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/operations/read | Returns a list of supported operations for Notification Hubs provider |
Microsoft.NotificationHubs/resourceTypes/read | Gets a list of the resource types for Notification Hubs |
Expose services that run in your corporate network to the public cloud.
Azure service: Azure Relay
Action | Description |
Microsoft.Relay/checkNamespaceAvailability/action | Checks availability of namespace under given subscription. This API is deprecated please use CheckNameAvailability instead. |
Microsoft.Relay/checkNameAvailability/action | Checks availability of namespace under given subscription. |
Microsoft.Relay/register/action | Registers the subscription for the Relay resource provider and enables the creation of Relay resources |
Microsoft.Relay/unregister/action | Registers the subscription for the Relay resource provider and enables the creation of Relay resources |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/write | Create a Namespace Resource and Update its properties. Tags and Capacity of the Namespace are the properties which can be updated. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/read | Get the list of Namespace Resource Description |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/Delete | Delete Namespace Resource |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/authorizationRules/action | Updates Namespace Authorization Rule. This API is deprecated. Please use a PUT call to update the Namespace Authorization Rule instead.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/removeAcsNamepsace/action | Remove ACS namespace |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action | Approve Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/authorizationRules/read | Get the list of Namespaces Authorization Rules description. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/authorizationRules/write | Create a Namespace level Authorization Rules and update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights, the Primary and Secondary Keys can be updated. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/authorizationRules/delete | Delete Namespace Authorization Rule. The Default Namespace Authorization Rule cannot be deleted. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/authorizationRules/listkeys/action | Get the Connection String to the Namespace |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action | Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterrecoveryconfigs/checkNameAvailability/action | Checks availability of namespace alias under given subscription. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/write | Creates or Updates the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/read | Gets the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/delete | Deletes the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace. This operation can only be invoked via the primary namespace. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/breakPairing/action | Disables Disaster Recovery and stops replicating changes from primary to secondary namespaces. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/failover/action | Invokes a GEO DR failover and reconfigures the namespace alias to point to the secondary namespace. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/authorizationRules/read | Get Disaster Recovery Primary Namespace's Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/authorizationRules/listkeys/action | Gets the authorization rules keys for the Disaster Recovery primary namespace |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/write | Create or Update HybridConnection properties. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/read | Get list of HybridConnection Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/Delete | Operation to delete HybridConnection Resource |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/authorizationRules/action | Operation to update HybridConnection. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. Authorization Rules. Please use a PUT call to update Authorization Rule. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/authorizationRules/read | Get the list of HybridConnection Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/authorizationRules/write | Create HybridConnection Authorization Rules and Update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights can be updated. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/authorizationRules/delete | Operation to delete HybridConnection Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/authorizationRules/listkeys/action | Get the Connection String to HybridConnection |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/authorizationRules/regeneratekeys/action | Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/messagingPlan/read | Gets the Messaging Plan for a namespace. This API is deprecated. Properties exposed via the MessagingPlan resource are moved to the (parent) Namespace resource in later API versions.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/messagingPlan/write | Updates the Messaging Plan for a namespace. This API is deprecated. Properties exposed via the MessagingPlan resource are moved to the (parent) Namespace resource in later API versions.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/networkrulesets/read | Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/networkrulesets/write | Create VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/networkrulesets/delete | Delete VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/operationresults/read | Get the status of Namespace operation |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationstatus/read | Get the status of an asynchronous private endpoint operation |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/write | Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Removes Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/operationstatus/read | Get the status of an asynchronous private endpoint operation |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateLinkResources/read | Gets the resource types that support private endpoint connections |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Get list of Namespace diagnostic settings Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Get list of Namespace diagnostic settings Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Get list of Namespace logs Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Get list of Namespace metrics Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/write | Create or Update WcfRelay properties. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/read | Get list of WcfRelay Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/Delete | Operation to delete WcfRelay Resource |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/authorizationRules/action | Operation to update WcfRelay. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. Authorization Rules. Please use a PUT call to update Authorization Rule. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/authorizationRules/read | Get the list of WcfRelay Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/authorizationRules/write | Create WcfRelay Authorization Rules and Update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights can be updated. |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/authorizationRules/delete | Operation to delete WcfRelay Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/authorizationRules/listkeys/action | Get the Connection String to WcfRelay |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/authorizationRules/regeneratekeys/action | Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource |
Microsoft.Relay/operations/read | Get Operations |
DataAction | Description |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/messages/send/action | Send messages |
Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/messages/listen/action | Receive messages |
Azure service: Azure Event Grid
Action | Description |
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications/eventGridFilters/read | Creates/Updates the specified event grid filters |
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications/eventGridFilters/write | Creates/Updates the specified event grid filters |
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications/eventGridFilters/delete | Deletes the specified event grid filters |
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications/operations/read | Gets the list of supported operations |
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications/systemTopics/subscribeToResources/action | Permission to perform creation and event subscription creation on a Resources system topic |
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications/systemTopics/subscribeToHealthResources/action | Permission to perform creation and event subscription creation on a HealthResources system topic |
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications/systemTopics/subscribeToMaintenanceResources/action | Permission to perform creation and event subscription creation on a MaintenanceResources system topic |
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications/systemTopics/subscribeToComputeResources/action | Permission to perform creation and event subscription creation on a ComputeResources system topic |
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications/systemTopics/subscribeToComputeScheduleResources/action | Permission to perform creation and event subscription creation on a ComputeScheduleResources system topic |
Microsoft.ResourceNotifications/systemTopics/subscribeToContainerServiceEventResources/action | Permission to perform creation and event subscription creation on a ContainerServiceEventResources system topic |
Connect across private and public cloud environments.
Azure service: Service Bus
Action | Description |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/checkNamespaceAvailability/action | Checks availability of namespace under given subscription. This API is deprecated please use CheckNameAvailability instead. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/checkNameAvailability/action | Checks availability of namespace under given subscription. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/register/action | Registers the subscription for the ServiceBus resource provider and enables the creation of ServiceBus resources |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/unregister/action | Registers the subscription for the ServiceBus resource provider and enables the creation of ServiceBus resources |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/locations/deleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action | Deletes the VNet rules in ServiceBus Resource Provider for the specified VNet |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/write | Create a Namespace Resource and Update its properties. Tags and Capacity of the Namespace are the properties which can be updated. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/read | Get the list of Namespace Resource Description |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/Delete | Delete Namespace Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/action | Updates Namespace Authorization Rule. This API is deprecated. Please use a PUT call to update the Namespace Authorization Rule instead.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/migrate/action | Migrate namespace operation |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/removeAcsNamepsace/action | Remove ACS namespace |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action | Approve Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/write | Create a Namespace level Authorization Rules and update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights, the Primary and Secondary Keys can be updated. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/read | Get the list of Namespaces Authorization Rules description. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/delete | Delete Namespace Authorization Rule. The Default Namespace Authorization Rule cannot be deleted. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/listkeys/action | Get the Connection String to the Namespace |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action | Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterrecoveryconfigs/checkNameAvailability/action | Checks availability of namespace alias under given subscription. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/write | Creates or Updates the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/read | Gets the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/delete | Deletes the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace. This operation can only be invoked via the primary namespace. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/breakPairing/action | Disables Disaster Recovery and stops replicating changes from primary to secondary namespaces. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/failover/action | Invokes a GEO DR failover and reconfigures the namespace alias to point to the secondary namespace. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/authorizationRules/read | Get Disaster Recovery Primary Namespace's Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/authorizationRules/listkeys/action | Gets the authorization rules keys for the Disaster Recovery primary namespace |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/eventGridFilters/write | Creates or Updates the Event Grid filter associated with the namespace. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/eventGridFilters/read | Gets the Event Grid filter associated with the namespace. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/eventGridFilters/delete | Deletes the Event Grid filter associated with the namespace. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/ipFilterRules/read | Get IP Filter Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/ipFilterRules/write | Create IP Filter Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/ipFilterRules/delete | Delete IP Filter Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/messagingPlan/read | Gets the Messaging Plan for a namespace. This API is deprecated. Properties exposed via the MessagingPlan resource are moved to the (parent) Namespace resource in later API versions.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/messagingPlan/write | Updates the Messaging Plan for a namespace. This API is deprecated. Properties exposed via the MessagingPlan resource are moved to the (parent) Namespace resource in later API versions.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/migrationConfigurations/write | Creates or Updates Migration configuration. This will start synchronizing resources from the standard to the premium namespace |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/migrationConfigurations/read | Gets the Migration configuration which indicates the state of the migration and pending replication operations |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/migrationConfigurations/delete | Deletes the Migration configuration. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/migrationConfigurations/revert/action | Reverts the standard to premium namespace migration |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/migrationConfigurations/upgrade/action | Assigns the DNS associated with the standard namespace to the premium namespace which completes the migration and stops the syncing resources from standard to premium namespace |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/networkruleset/read | Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/networkruleset/write | Create VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/networkruleset/delete | Delete VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/networkrulesets/read | Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/networkrulesets/write | Create VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/networkrulesets/delete | Delete VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/operationresults/read | Get the status of Namespace operation |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationstatus/read | Get the status of an asynchronous private endpoint operation |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/write | Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Removes Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/operationstatus/read | Get the status of an asynchronous private endpoint operation |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateLinkResources/read | Gets the resource types that support private endpoint connections |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Get list of Namespace diagnostic settings Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Get list of Namespace diagnostic settings Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read | Get list of Namespace logs Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Get list of Namespace metrics Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/write | Create or Update Queue properties. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/read | Get list of Queue Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/Delete | Operation to delete Queue Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/authorizationRules/action | Operation to update Queue. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. Authorization Rules. Please use a PUT call to update Authorization Rule. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/authorizationRules/write | Create Queue Authorization Rules and Update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights can be updated. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/authorizationRules/read | Get the list of Queue Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/authorizationRules/delete | Operation to delete Queue Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/authorizationRules/listkeys/action | Get the Connection String to Queue |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action | Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/skus/read | List Supported SKUs for Namespace |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/write | Create or Update Topic properties. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/read | Get list of Topic Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/Delete | Operation to delete Topic Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/authorizationRules/action | Operation to update Topic. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. Authorization Rules. Please use a PUT call to update Authorization Rule. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/authorizationRules/write | Create Topic Authorization Rules and Update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights can be updated. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/authorizationRules/read | Get the list of Topic Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/authorizationRules/delete | Operation to delete Topic Authorization Rules |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/authorizationRules/listkeys/action | Get the Connection String to Topic |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action | Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/write | Create or Update TopicSubscription properties. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/read | Get list of TopicSubscription Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/Delete | Operation to delete TopicSubscription Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/rules/write | Create or Update Rule properties. |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/rules/read | Get list of Rule Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/rules/Delete | Operation to delete Rule Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/virtualNetworkRules/read | Gets VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/virtualNetworkRules/write | Create VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/virtualNetworkRules/delete | Delete VNET Rule Resource |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/operations/read | Get Operations |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/sku/read | Get list of Sku Resource Descriptions |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/sku/regions/read | Get list of SkuRegions Resource Descriptions |
DataAction | Description |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/messages/send/action | Send messages |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/messages/receive/action | Receive messages |
Azure service: Services Hub
Action | Description |
Microsoft.ServicesHub/connectors/write | Create or update a Services Hub Connector |
Microsoft.ServicesHub/connectors/read | View or List Services Hub Connectors |
Microsoft.ServicesHub/connectors/delete | Delete Services Hub Connectors |
Microsoft.ServicesHub/connectors/checkAssessmentEntitlement/action | Lists the Assessment Entitlements for a given Services Hub Workspace |
Microsoft.ServicesHub/supportOfferingEntitlement/read | View the Support Offering Entitlements for a given Services Hub Workspace |
Microsoft.ServicesHub/workspaces/read | List the Services Hub Workspaces for a given User |