Turn on preview mode for IoT Hub to try select new features
New features are in public preview for IoT Hub, including:
- MQTT 5
- ECC server certificate
- TLS fragment length negotiation
- X509 CA chain support for HTTPS/WebSocket
These features are improvements at the IoT Hub protocol and authentication layers, so they're only available for new IoT hub for now. They're not available for existing IoT hubs yet. To preview these features, the IoT hub must be created with preview mode turned on.
Turn on preview mode for a new IoT hub
Sign in to the Azure portal.
From the Azure homepage, select the + Create a resource button, and then enter IoT Hub in the Search the Marketplace field.
Select IoT Hub from the search results, and then select Create.
On the Basics tab, complete the fields as you normally would except for Region. Select one of these regions:
- Central US
- West Europe
- South East Asia
Select Management tab, then expand the Advanced settings section.
Next to Preview mode, select On. Review the warning text carefully.
Select Next: Review + create, then Create.
Once created, an IoT hub in preview mode always shows this banner, letting you know to use this IoT hub for preview purposes only:
Using an IoT hub in preview mode
Do not use an IoT hub in preview mode for production. Preview mode is intended only to preview the select features listed at top of this page. Some other limitations to IoT Hub preview mode are
- Some existing IoT Hub features such as IP filter, private link, managed identity, device streams, and failover may work unexpectedly or not at all.
- An IoT hub in preview mode can't be changed or upgraded to a normal IoT hub.
- We can't guarantee the normal IoT Hub SLA - do not use for production.
Preview mode isn't required for device streams and distributed tracing. To use these older preview features, follow their documentation as normal.
Next steps
- To preview the ECC server certificate, see Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) server TLS certificate (preview)
- To preview TLS fragment size negotiation, see TLS maximum fragment length negotiation (preview)