Microsoft Entra JWT authentication and Azure RBAC authorization to publish or subscribe MQTT messages

You can authenticate MQTT clients with Microsoft Entra JWT to connect to Event Grid namespace. You can use Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) to enable MQTT clients, with Microsoft Entra identity, to publish or subscribe access to specific topic spaces.


  • This feature is supported only when using MQTT v5 protocol version


Authentication using Microsoft Entra JWT

You can use the MQTT v5 CONNECT packet to provide the Microsoft Entra JWT to authenticate your client, and you can use the MQTT v5 AUTH packet to refresh the token.

In CONNECT packet, you can provide required values in the following fields:

Field Value
Authentication Method OAUTH2-JWT
Authentication Data JWT

In AUTH packet, you can provide required values in the following fields:

Field Value
Authentication Method OAUTH2-JWT
Authentication Data JWT
Authentication Reason Code 25

Authenticate Reason Code with value 25 signifies reauthentication.


  • Audience: aud claim must be set to

Authorization to grant access permissions

A client using Microsoft Entra ID based JWT authentication needs to be authorized to communicate with the Event Grid namespace. You can assign the following two built-in roles to provide either publish or subscribe permissions, to clients with Microsoft Entra identities.

  • Use EventGrid TopicSpaces Publisher role to provide MQTT message publisher access
  • Use EventGrid TopicSpaces Subscriber role to provide MQTT message subscriber access

You can use these roles to provide permissions at subscription, resource group, Event Grid namespace, or Event Grid topic space scope.

Assigning the publisher role to your Microsoft Entra identity at topic space scope

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your Event Grid namespace
  2. Navigate to the topic space to which you want to authorize access.
  3. Go to the Access control (IAM) page of the topic space
  4. Select the Role assignments tab to view the role assignments at this scope.
  5. Select + Add and Add role assignment.
  6. On the Role tab, select the "Event Grid TopicSpaces Publisher" role.
  7. On the Members tab, for Assign access to, select User, group, or service principal option to assign the selected role to one or more service principals (applications).
  8. Select + Select members.
  9. Find and select the service principals.
  10. Select Next
  11. Select Review + assign on the Review + assign tab.


You can follow similar steps to assign the built-in Event Grid TopicSpaces Subscriber role at topic space scope.

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