spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.account-key |
Storage account access key. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.account-name |
Name for the storage account. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.application-id |
Represents current application and is used for telemetry/monitoring purposes. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.connect-timeout |
Amount of time(Duration) the request attempts to connect to the remote host and the connection is resolved. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.connection-idle-timeout |
Amount of time(Duration) before an idle connection. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.headers |
List of headers applied to each request sent with client. For instance, "myCustomHeader", "myStaticValue" . |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.headers[0].name |
The name of the header. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.headers[0].values |
List of values of the header. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.logging.allowed-header-names |
Comma-delimited list of allowlist headers that should be logged. The default value is "x-ms-request-id","x-ms-client-request-id","x-ms-return-client-request-id","traceparent","MS-CV","Accept","Cache-Control","Connection","Content-Length","Content-Type","Date","ETag","Expires","If-Match","If-Modified-Since","If-None-Match","If-Unmodified-Since","Last-Modified","Pragma","Request-Id","Retry-After","Server","Transfer-Encoding","User-Agent","WWW-Authenticate" . |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.logging.allowed-query-param-names |
Comma-delimited list of allowlist query parameters. The default value is "api-version" . |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.logging.level |
The level of detail to log on HTTP messages. Supported types are: NONE, BASIC, HEADERS, BODY, BODY_AND_HEADERS. The default value is NONE . |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.logging.pretty-print-body |
Whether to pretty print the message bodies. The default value is false . |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.maximum-connection-pool-size |
Maximum connection pool size used by the underlying HTTP client. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.read-timeout |
Amount of time(Duration) used when reading the server response. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.response-timeout |
Amount of time(Duration) used when waiting for a server to reply. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.write-timeout |
Amount of time(Duration) each request being sent over the wire. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.connection-string |
Connection string to connect to the service. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.credential.client-certificate-password |
Password of the certificate file. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.credential.client-certificate-path |
Path of a PEM certificate file to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.credential.client-id |
Client ID to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.credential.client-secret |
Client secret to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.credential.managed-identity-enabled |
Whether to enable managed identity to authenticate with Azure. If true and the client-id is set, will use the client ID as user assigned managed identity client ID. The default value is false . |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.credential.password |
Password to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.credential.token-credential-bean-name |
Custom Get the custom com.azure.core.credential.TokenCredential bean name, it's used for Service builder factory or passwordless authentication. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.credential.username |
Username to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.enabled |
Whether an Azure Service is enabled. The default value is true . |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.endpoint |
Endpoint for Azure Storage service. For instance, https://{storage-account-name}.blob.storage.azure.net for blob or https://{storage-account-name}.file.storage.azure.net for file share or https://{storage-account-name}.queue.storage.azure.net for queue. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.message-encoding |
How queue message body is represented in HTTP requests and responses. All Supported types are: NONE, BASE64. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.cloud-type |
Name of the Azure cloud to connect to. Supported types are: AZURE , AZURE_CHINA , AZURE_US_GOVERNMENT , OTHER . The default value is AZURE . |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.active-directory-endpoint |
The Microsoft Entra endpoint to connect to. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.active-directory-graph-api-version |
The Azure Active Directory Graph API version. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.active-directory-graph-endpoint |
The Azure Active Directory Graph endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.active-directory-resource-id |
The Microsoft Entra resource ID. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.azure-application-insights-endpoint |
The Azure Application Insights endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.azure-data-lake-analytics-catalog-and-job-endpoint-suffix |
The Data Lake analytics catalog and job endpoint suffix. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.azure-data-lake-store-file-system-endpoint-suffix |
The Data Lake storage file system endpoint suffix. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.azure-log-analytics-endpoint |
The Azure Log Analytics endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.data-lake-endpoint-resource-id |
The Data Lake endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.gallery-endpoint |
The gallery endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.key-vault-dns-suffix |
The Key Vault DNS suffix. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.management-endpoint |
The management service endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.microsoft-graph-endpoint |
The Microsoft Graph endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.portal |
The management portal URL. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.publishing-profile |
The publishing settings file URL. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.resource-manager-endpoint |
The resource management endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.service-bus-domain-name |
The domain name for Service Bus. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.sql-management-endpoint |
The SQL management endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.sql-server-hostname-suffix |
The SQL Server hostname suffix. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.environment.storage-endpoint-suffix |
The Storage endpoint suffix. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.subscription-id |
Subscription ID to use when connecting to Azure resources. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.profile.tenant-id |
Tenant ID for Azure resources. The values allowed for tenant-id are: common , organizations , consumers , or the tenant ID. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.proxy.hostname |
The host of the proxy. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.proxy.non-proxy-hosts |
A list of hosts or CIDR to not use proxy HTTP/HTTPS connections through. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.proxy.password |
Password used to authenticate with the proxy. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.proxy.port |
The port of the proxy. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.proxy.type |
The type of the proxy. For instance of http, http , socks4 , socks5 . For instance of amqp, http , socks . |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.proxy.username |
Username used to authenticate with the proxy. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.queue-name |
Name of the storage queue. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.resource.name |
Name of the storage account. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.resource.region |
The region of an Azure resource. For instance, "eastus" . |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.resource.resource-group |
The resource group holds an Azure resource. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.resource.resource-id |
ID of an Azure resource. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.retry.exponential.base-delay |
Amount of time(Duration) to wait between retry attempts. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.retry.exponential.max-delay |
Maximum permissible amount of time(duration) between retry attempts. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.retry.exponential.max-retries |
The maximum number of attempts. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.retry.fixed.delay |
Amount of time(Duration) to wait between retry attempts. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.retry.fixed.max-retries |
The maximum number of attempts. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.retry.mode |
The retry backoff mode when retrying. Supported types are: FIXED, EXPONENTIAL. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.retry.secondary-host |
Secondary Storage account to retry requests against if the primary region becomes unavailable. For instance, https://{storage-account-name}-secondary.file.storage.azure.net . |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.retry.try-timeout |
Amount of time(Duration) to wait until a timeout. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.sas-token |
Shared access signatures (SAS) token used to authorize requests sent to the service. |
spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.service-version |
Queue service version used when making API requests. |