Install AKS engine on Windows in Azure Stack Hub
Binary downloads for the latest version of AKS Engine are available on Github. Download the package for your operating system, and extract the aks-engine file for AKS Engine versions 0.73.0 and below. For AKS Engine versions 0.75.3 and above, extract the aks-engine-azurestack file (and optionally add it to your $PATH
environment variable for more convenient CLI usage).
Prepare the client VM
The AKS engine is a command-line tool used to deploy and manage your Kubernetes cluster. You can run the engine on a machine in your Azure Stack Hub. From this machine, execute the AKS engine to deploy the IaaS resources and software needed to run your cluster. You can then use the machine running the engine to perform management tasks on your cluster.
When choosing your client machine, consider:
- Whether the client machine should be recoverable in a disaster.
- How do you connect to the client machine, and how does the machine interact with your cluster?
Install AKS Engine in a connected environment
You can install the client VM to manage your Kubernetes cluster on an Azure Stack Hub connected to the Internet.
To install AKS Engine version 0.81.1 or later:
- Create a Windows VM in your Azure Stack Hub. For instructions, see Quickstart: Create a Windows server VM by using the Azure Stack Hub portal.
- Connect to your VM.
- Go to the Azure/aks-engine-azurestack GitHub repo. Download an archive (*.tar.gz) for a Windows machine, for example,
. Find the version of AKS Engine in the Supported Kubernetes Versions table.
Install AKS Engine in a disconnected environment
You can install the client VM to manage your Kubernetes cluster on an Azure Stack Hub disconnected from the Internet.
From a machine with access to the Internet, go to the Azure/aks-engine-azurestack GitHub repo. Download an archive (*.tar.gz) for a Windows machine, for example,
. Find the version of AKS engine in the Supported Kubernetes Versions table.Create a storage account in your Azure Stack Hub instance to upload the archive file (*.tar.gz) with the AKS engine binary. For instructions on using the Azure Storage Explorer, see Azure Storage Explorer with Azure Stack Hub.
Create a Windows VM in your Azure Stack Hub. For instructions, see Quickstart: Create a Windows server VM by using the Azure Stack Hub portal
Connect to your VM.
From the Azure Stack Hub storage account blob URL where you uploaded the archive file (*.tar.gz), download the file to your management VM. Extract the archive to a directory that you have access to from your command prompt.
Verify the installation
Once your client VM is set up, check that you have installed AKS engine.
Connect to your client VM.
Run the following command:
For AKSe version 0.75.3 and above, the command to check the current version of your AKS engine is
aks-engine-azurestack version
.aks-engine version
If you are unable to verify that you have installed AKS engine on your client VM, see Troubleshoot AKS engine install.