How to add app authentication to the azure function for the authenticating tokens generated by azure ad b2c
I am using Azure AD B2C for user sign-up and sign-in. When a user signs in, both an access token and an ID token are issued. I have Azure Functions hosted in my primary tenant, and I want to authenticate users before running my azure function using …
GOLANG: No stacks found for "custom" on Azure Functions v4
Following the instructions on for creating an Azure Function written in Golang, the instructions fail here:…
Azure function fastapi endpoint log is not appearing in the application insights
We are facing an issue with the logging functionality in an Azure Function App using FastAPI. Specifically, statements are not displaying logs in Application Insights, which makes it difficult to monitor and troubleshoot the function. Below…
Why did Azure Application Insights stop logging traces for 3 hours?
For almost 3 hours (3:52 PM - 6:36 PM) no traces were logged in my Application Insights. During this time many requests were made that should have triggered the functions that log traces. How can I know if these functions executed as expected? And why…
Runtime stack python not showing on Azure Portal
Hi everyone! I am trying to create an Azure Function App and I am not being able to select python as my Runtime stack. It simply isn't showing on the dropdown menu. I have seen it showing before.
How to get token from MS identity without passing a scope
I'm trying to secure Azure functions with easy authentication. .V1 version of MS identity gives us the ability to request token without providing the scope or resource but it sets the aud claim to GUID : 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 (which i…
Consuption plan on azure functions does not allow me to select python as my runstack
Hello, recenlty i realised that i cannot select python as my runstack for a consumption plan. I know it was possible like 2 weeks ago cause i created one with it. Flex consumption does not suit me either because it doesnt give me the option to connect…
Is there additional cost for turning always_on for Azure Function?
We already have a premium app service plan in our enterprise. So, would there be additional costs for enabling always_on in Azure function? If so, would creating a timer trigger function (in PowerShell I think?) to disable always_on during off peak hours…
I cannot recreate a previously deleted Azure Functions and storage account resource on another subscription
Hello, i'm encountering an issue redeploying several Azure Functions and Storage Account resources, which have been previously created on another subscription, but have been deleted via the Azure Portal prior to recreating (and we waited for a couple of…
error run azure function
I published an azure function from visual studio 2022 but trying to call the function I get error 404 page not found. From the resource group log I see the following error No route registered for…
West Europe region for Flex Consumption Function App?
Are there any details on when the region of West Europe will be available to deploy Flex Consumption hosting plans for Function Apps? Currently, the only region it supports in Europe is North Europe. Thanks!
Azure Function App with Deployment Slots Storage Environment
Hi, I've tried to get an azure function app up and running with deployment slots using bicep templates. The template can create all the resources but I'm having a hard time to get the switch to work, there seem to be some issues with the environment…
Flex Consumption Function App EventGrid support
I am testing out trying to use an Azure Function App with the 'Flex Consumption' Plan. I currently use the 'regular' Consumption plan and my functions are event grid based. I simplified things and redeployed my function app as a 'Flexible Consumption'…
Encountered an error (InternalServerError) from host runtime.
I have setup my first python azure function and deployed it from GitHub. When I try to get the function's url or try to test/run the function, I get the following error: Encountered an error (InternalServerError) from host runtime. Please help me…
Function app migration to isolated worker model shows warnings in the portal
Hi all, I've been experiencing a strange problem whilst upgrading an in-process .net 6 function app to isolated worker .net 8. I've followed the guidelines here:…
Azure Functions silently stops during execution
I have an Azure function running on Consumption Flex that was silently stoped three times during the last two days. It runs using python v2. The function does't show in the invocations at all, so it looks like it never got triggered. But I know that it…
I have a problem with a logic app calling an azure function app. Its failing with an Unauthorized error
I have an azure logic app "logic-nats-test-func". It calls an azure function app called "func-assurityimport-nats-dev". It is displaying "Unauthorized" when it is run. When it is run I can see the function running by…
ERROR: Number of sites in server farm 'WestEuropePlan' exceeds the maximum allowed for 'Dynamic' SKU.
I am trying to deploy a Azure HTTP Function using the azure cli but I am getting this cryptic error: ERROR: Number of sites in server farm 'WestEuropeLinuxDynamicPlan' exceeds the maximum allowed for 'Dynamic' SKU. This is the command I am using to…
Deploying Event Subscription failed
Reeceiving error message when creating webhook with URL Able to POST using postman with BODY { "eventType": "AdvancedMessageReceived", "data": { …

How to query Snowflake data in C#
Hi there, How to query Snowflake data in C# ? My code: public static async Task<DataTable> ExecuteSnowflakeQuery(string connectionString, string query) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { using (var connection = new…