How to control access to a folder in ADLS gen2 container while Storage account IAMs are in action
Hi, I have a synapse pipeline that saves an output file in a folder (ex: salary) in an ADLS container (ex: employee). Now Mr. X wants the data saved in the folder to be accessible only to him but storage account level IAMs have already given access to…
Connecting to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 from Tableau Desktop is throwing error
Error Receiving in Tableau Desktop: Tableau received an OAuth error from your request. Please see the error message for more information: User authorization failed (invalid_client). When checked the auth url it seems the url is the one like below -…
Unable to create a directory named space character using ADLS Gen2 REST API
I am unable to create a directory in "Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2" that is named as just a single space character, despite reviewing the documentation and there being no indication this is a disallowed name. My primary access to "Azure…
generate SAS tokens from serviceprincipal credentials
I am working on to create java client that generates sas tokens for the given service principal credentials. I am taking a reference from…
Need to extract zreports from SAP HANA
Hi, I have a use-case where I want to extract data from SAP Hana. The use-case is as follows: I have SAP Hana deployment from where I need to extract data. The data is stored in zreports which are extracted using T-Codes. Now, I want to extract the data…
We want to know details about azure local , can we use databricks , adlsg2, datafactory, machine learning on azure local ?
We want to know details about azure local , can we use databricks , adlsg2, datafactory, machine learning on azure local?
ADF Copy Data JSON Source dynamic schema mapping
Hi I am working on ADF Copy data activity. HTTP Dataset is returning a JSON with the following sample JSON output { "totalRowCount": 1, "data": [ { "ProductCode": "P - 1", …
How to fix "Failed to upload block This request is not authorized to perform this operation." error while writing a csv to ADLS Gen2 using synapse notebook
I am trying to write a dataframe into a csv file on ADLS Gen2 using Synapse Notebook. I am using pandas to_csv as below. The 'linkedService': 'xxxxx' uses system assigned managed identity which has the "Storage Blob Data Contributor" role…
I am unable to load a table to fabric lakehouse
I am unable to load tables to fabric lakehouse. I was having no issues until recently but now when I publish a table from gen 2 dataflow the table in the lakehouse has all blank rows. In the SQL endpoint they are all null values.
How to write the query on Azure to get the information of particular SPN linked with all the folders present in containers..
Hi, As there are multiple folders are preset into Azure storage containers, each folders of containers linked with some SPN. I am looking for the script to create to find, which SPN associate with which all folders?
Monitor AutoResolve Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory
Hi all I need to monitor the Integration Runtime performance for a pipeline that uses stored procedure activity to load data from ADLS to Snowflake. The stored procedure in this case resides in snowflake itself and it’s called from Snowflake Tenant to…
ErrorCode=AdlsGen2OperationFailed...Failure happened on 'Sink' side.
Getting the below error while copying the data to ADLS from SAP Hana, however this error is random to tables failing daily. When I try load each of the failed tables from the same source and with the same file name then there is no issue and it works as…
I am integrating the dataflow activity which removes duplicates from the csv file to the existing pipeline i have. I need a help to configure the parameters.
I created a dataflow activity which removes duplicates from the source files( csv formatted files). So now i integrated this dataflow activity to existing pipeline i have. but i am not able to parametrize the source files. It would be helpful if i get…
DP-203 Labs
Is there any way to do all the labs for DP-203 without costing alot of money AND without taking like 10 minutes to install something? For each lab, the ./setup.ps1 file takes like 10 or 15 minutes to load. I'd like to not have to delete the resources…
can we add multiple containers in Microsoft Fabric Data Lake house?
I want to add one more container in Microsoft fabric lake house, as per my knowledge we can add only one container but i am curious to know can we add multiple containers in Microsoft fabric lake house
Azure Data Factory: No data when trying to preview data source
Azure Data Factory: No data when trying to preview data source. Data is present at source and even when we minimize the browser to 30% we are able to see data in data preview but when we are doing normal data preview we are unable to see any data in all…
How to fix nested split issue in Azure data factory Pipeline expression builder?
Hi there, I'm trying to make use of hierarchical namespaces for Azure data lake storage gen2. When I'm dynamically setting the file structure in the Pipeline expression builder in the ADF, the following error is returned: Cannot fit unknown into the…
ADF/ Synapse Activity times out after 12 hours
Hello, I have a Notebook activity in one of my pipelines that is expected to run longer than 12 hours. Below we configured the timeout to the max value, 7 days. But the activity would still timeout after 12 hours. Is there a way for the activity…
D365 Outbound Marketing Data sync to AdLS Gen2 cannot be synced inside a folder structure but only on conatiner.
I wanted to copy Market Outbound Data from CRM like email sent, delivered, Email clicked, Email Opened , etc from the marketing campaign to ADLS Gen 2 using Data Factory but seems like I cannot use ADF to do that as they are calculated live. Also, I…
Stream RealTime data from an On Prem Microsoft Server to a Azure Data Lake.
There is a need for Real Time data to be collected from a On Prem SQL Server. This means ADF is not suitable because it only does batch. Azure Streaming Analytics only connects to Azure SQL Server and not on prem. Has anybody else encountered this and…