MFA Error on try to login
Hello today has two weeks that I can't sign in on my account, every time that I will try, I'm stay stopped on this screen that's trying to send me a code that never come, and when I click on options of screen I redirected to this two options when the…
logs from Microsoft Entra - M365ChatClient
Hi, Recently i have been seeing sign in logs from many user with M365ChatClient Was wondering what is this application that trigger this in the sign-in logs? Thanks Regards, Edmund
Entra cloud sync and entra connect only for sync of devices
Hi! I have a local single forest/domain AD synced to Entra with Clous sync which is working fine. Now we need to sync our on-premises AD joined devices to Entra for management with Intune. Is it possible to install Entra Connect and only sync devices…
How to fix the request body must contain the following parameter: login_hint
I have a problem with login to added account to a new platform that was given to my by a Contractor. I have a orange triangle to my location and when trying to enter this location i got such problem as in the title of this problem. This is the report…
How to export the user details with last login information via PowerShell script from Entra ID (Not MsGraph)
Please Help me to get this details. We are looking to export the few user information with last login and On-premises sync enabled details from the Microsoft Entra ID via Powershell script. Please find the sample below which are looking to export via…
Disable First Time Login Password Reset Requirement
I am setting up a demo environment where users will authenticate via Entra through our custom application. I set up new users within a group and assign a generic password for login. I want to keep this generic login for any users I create BUT the first…
Managing External Collaboration Settings for Third Parties
What are the most effective ways to manage external third parties in Azure AD? For instance, if is whitelisted in a tenant, what kind of access will staff from have to my domain (e.g., Teams, SharePoint, etc.)? Is there any default…
Invited guest users are not able to do 2 factor authentication when signing into application from external tenant.
I have invited a guest user into my entra external tenant. When the guest logs into an existing application that is present in the external tenant. The guest user enters their email then performs email otp. Then they are errored out. I want the user…
Need to change publisher domain on a verified app due to rebrand
Please change my verified domain for app 49f6d4dd-4680-4cab-9090-a981b16de093 from to
What exactly is ADIbizaUX?
What exactly is ADIbizaUX? I keep seeing posts about this application online, most of which are questioning the validity of the application due to unattended sign-in requests to it. How can there be user sign-in logs attempting to access ADIBizaUX if…
Disaster Recovery Plan - How to recover from an Azure AD Tenant Hijack?
I'm working on setting up a disaster recovery plan for rare and emergency cases in which an Entra ID / Azure AD tenant has been completely hijacked by a malicious actor. This would be for cases in which a bad actor had compromised a global administrator…
On the application sidebar, I cannot see the Token Configuration under Manage Section
On the application sidebar, I cannot see the Token Configuration under Manage Section
Why is my Authenticator not receiving requests or able to provide OTPs when switching tenants?
I am trying to switch tenants in Entra to locate the parent tenant of an Enterprise Application. Switching tenants in Entra admin center from Manage tenants > Switch brings up an MFA request for Authenticator, but no request is pushed to my registered…
Getting an auth error SMTP Office365, symfony
Hello, I can't use SMTP Office365, I set up an application account to send emails in my symfony application, I followed the advice from this page, all needed permissions are enabled and disabled Security Defaults (advice from the answer)…
How to enable IEF (Identity Experience Framework) in Azure B2C tenant?
I am trying to create B2C policy - a custom policy to get a HTML banner page displayed before the microsoft login screen. For that the custom policies should be enabled in Azure B2C tenant. i have created Azure b2C tenant but the custom policies are not…
Deleting tenant issues
Hello. I've come to an idea to create simple app which will use onedrive API so I needed to use Microsoft Azure and its been a long time since I logged into Microsoft Azure. Noticed I had some tenant already created from that time. Now I am trying to…
Deleting tenant issues
Hello. I've come to an idea to create simple app which will use onedrive API so I needed to use Microsoft Azure and its been a long time since I logged into Microsoft Azure. Noticed I had some tenant already created from that time. Now I am trying to…
Entra Cloud Sync Not Updating Group Names
We've made changes to an on-premises Active Directory group and not all of the changes are synchronizing. Renamed Display Name and pre-2000 name - Did not synchronize Added Group Members - Synchronized Updated description - Synchronized We're using…

Paid Support: Guidance on Programmatically Migrating User from B2B to B2c with JUST federated account
We are trying to move our users from azure b2b to b2c with no need to re-sign-up (very important). All our users are either members of our existing entra AD or federated through gmail, etc. We are having issues programmatically creating federated…
How to add enterprise applications in Entra
Im trying to add enterprise applications in Entra but they don't come up as options. I've added screenshots from another company's enterprise applications of the apps I'm trying to add (iManageShare, iManage CoAuthor, WorkCoAuthoring). Any assistance…