97 questions with Azure ISV (Independent Software Vendors) and Startups tags
Visual basic 6.0 installer
Can I still get an installer for VB6 , I have a legacy project to maintain
Why do we get this error "Reading the request body timed out due to data arriving too slowly. See MinRequestBodyDataRate." if we have not configured MinRequestBodyDataRate??
Our system utilizes ASP.NET Core 6.0.10 and HTTP/2. There is no specific configuration for the MinRequestBodyDataRate in our program, indicating that it likely uses the default value of 240 bytes per second. During our investigation, we have confirmed…
domain verification fails
My domain verification always fails, i submitted who is report, invoices bills of domain purchase. i am not sure what is microsoft looking for and whom should i reach out for support?
My Azure extended year and $150,000 credits
Hi all The crisis has finally struck! My entitlement has somehow been converted to a Pay-As-You-Go account which is not as it should be. I have completed the next level in the Microsoft Startup Hub and should have $150,000 credits for another year. I…

marketplace offer published and showing status live but still not visible in azure marketplace
We have created a SaaS offer in azure marketplace offers through partner center. All the necessary preview and testing and publishing is done and marked as green over the portal and status is showing as live but we cannot find the SaaS application in…
Can I test Azure Marketplace products for free to explore how metered billing works?
I need to test metering services for products published on the Marketplace. Could you please allow me to test our products without incurring charges?
Azure Cli command to add virtual machine in application gateway backend connection pool
Hi, I've tried updating backendip-address in application gateway backend pool successfully. But, when tried the same for updating the Virtual machine in application gateway backend pool. It is throwing exception to check the syntax. Kindly let me…
Getting 403 forbidden error when enabling OWASP 3.2 and Enforce request body inspection limit
There is one function in my web site to download the documents also i have 182 rules Enabled in prevention (Mode)
Assistance Required for Redis Error Metrics and Logging
Hi Team. We are currently utilizing the Azure Redis cache service in our production environment, and we have encountered an issue with monitoring error metrics. Specifically, we can see an increasing error count metric but are unable to identify the…
How to set up alert on elastic cloud service provided by azure
Hi, We are using Elastic Cloud (Elasticsearch) – An Azure Native ISV Service in our production environmnet. How do i enable alerting on the service. if the service goes unhealthy i should receive and email trigger. how do i enable it?
WAF Allowed IP restriction with Application Gateway
Hi Team, We are using Azure Application Gateway V2 with WAF and we came across the Warning in the WAF Custom policy that, it can only allow 600 Ips in one custom rule. So I am having a few questions on this, please help with it. Is there any such…

How to create a release pipeline for Azure static webapp
We are migrating from Azure app service to Azure static web application. We created a build pipeline for this which is also currently deploying the application. We were able to create a separate build and release pipeline for Azure app service but not…
How to provide RBAC access in Azure storage account IAM to on-prem Hyper-V VMs
Dear Team, Is there any way to assign roles in Azure storage IAM to On-prem Hyper-V VMs, VM's hostname are not showing while providing roles to them in Azure Storage account IAM. But VM's are showing in Azure AD devices. Regards, Rohit Prajapati
How to deploy whole services in different subscriptions and different resource group and different tenant
Hi Team, I want to know if it is possible to deploy my current setup to different subscriptions, tenants, and different resource.I have seen that the export template is in the resource group. And I have also tried to download the export template from the…
update management not showing VM which is enabled
update management not showing VM which is enabled
Is There a way to scaleout App Service plan using powershell
I want to write a script which will switch instance scaling from Manual to custom rule based autoscale using Powershell. I am currently unable to find any document related to the same. Can anyone help me in scripting with powershell to toggle between…

Possible Handle Leak on Azure App Service App
We have an ASP.NET 4.8 application hosted in Azure App Service. At times we see a spike in latency in usually a single instance which also shows spikes in CPU time, TCP connections, Thread Count and Handle count. The average thread count and and average…
How does Other missing updates and security missing updates are coming together in Azure update management?
Hi, In Azure I have two VMs, Namely "App1" and "App2". Both are supposed have same OS patching cycle. When I was checking update management total missing updates are 27. But in "App1" I have 16 security missing updates and…
Update Application Gateway role assignments to have the right permissions
What is the action requires to be taken as part of this maintenance. Tracking ID : MNTX-DP8 How to check roles are included at least the Joins a virtual network (Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/join/action) permission ?

End to End to Secure connection in Application Gateway's Backend Fortigate Firewall VM.
Hi Team, Following AGW, we intend to set up a FortiGate firewall virtual machine as a backend pool. We have configured 443 backsetting and listerner, but we are getting unhealthy errors in the backend pool. although when we configured the 80 port, it…