whs2011 replacement
What is the best replacement for WHS2011 in 2025. I need a system to automatically backup all my PCs and act as a media server. I would prefer to stay on windows software as long as the price is reasonable.
Portable connect via com 3
I have widows 11 pro Msi laptop 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11800H @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz 16,0 GB (15,7 GB usable) 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor I have an Xtool lazer cutter witch is compatible to 2 programs, Xcs sfotware and Lightburn…
Can't create databricks cluster
Hi , I can't create databricks cluster. Please resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Need Candidate ID number of my pearson Vue account
Need Candidate ID number of my pearson Vue account
What is the backup frequency for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Online databases?
What is the backup frequency for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Online databases and How to check backup log?
Computer Connector Couldn't Detect my Server
This is a weird issue, because everything worked fine with the WHS 2011 connector up until months ago. I'm finally getting around to troubleshooting the issue. It goes as follows: I navigate to http://<server name>/connect and download computer…

¿Me pueden ayudar con un clave de activación genérico de Windows 11 Home?
Me podrian ayudar con una clave de activación genérica para Windows 11 home
clave de activacion windows home de 64 bit
en la pagina de learn.microsoft.com hay claves de activación para Windows pro, pero no hay para Windows 11 home de 64 bit. me podrían suministrar una?
My pin code controll to verify if its me with windows hello is not working
Im trying to log in to minecraft from a friends computer. It worked the fiest time but now when im trying again windows security pops up and wants a pin code to verify if its me. It keeps saying i have the wrong pin. I went home and changed it but it…
WHS 2011 Installation Issues
Installing windows home server 2011 hangs at Starting Windows
¿como activar windows 10 home gsingle language?
astivar windows 10 home single language

azure pipeline issues
My requirement in azure pipeline is for the same repository when we merge the code to dev branch the dev branch pipeline should trigger and deploy the code to dev and when we merge the code to qa branch the qa branch pipeline should trigger and deploy…
Unable to navigate to home page of my free trail account
i have created a azure new free trail account with a existing Gmail account.Creation was sucess but unable to navitage to the home page to use services.

como activar windows7 home premiun?
porfavor quisiera saber la clave de activacion de windows 7 home premiun
Windows 11 BİOS açılmıyor.
Turkish Bilgisayarımı Windows 10'dan Windows 11'e yükselttim ve şu anda bios ayarlarıma hiçbir şekilde erişemiyorum ve ekranım siyah kalıyor. English I upgraded my computer from Windows 10 to Windows 11 and now I cannot access my bios settings at all…
How to handle visual studio diagnostic problem?
i am working on project. in which i make desktop application in c#. i make login form in visual studio and do its complete codding. but in debugging time it takes too much time. diagnostic session it takes 70 minutes and still working. What i do?
I need to reactivate my account
I want to activate my account
Unable to access HP media smart home server after factory reset and only windows 10 computer. Stuck at login in page. Need help
I have a HP smart media home server. Original purchase in 2007. Updated my last windows computer to 10. I used to have an old laptop that I managed the server with. It had VIsta. Always worked. Now I noticed the server was been down for a few months. Not…
PC Outlook to Mac Outlook, block senders list transfer
PC Outlook to Mac Outlook, block senders list transfer.

why issue invoice and first year free?
Dear MS Support Teams. You are announced that first year will be free, may I know why this amount invoiced, and all services just for lab. So please help me in this issue. Best regards Osama Abukashef