while deploying dacpac using dacservice, facing System.IO.IOException: The directory name is invalid
While deploying DacServices, facing below error Note: after restarting machine its working fine. Issue occurred intermediate System.IO.IOException: The directory name is invalid. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String…
WPF C# fitting different Screen Sizes
Hi, I'm coding a nice smart tiny app :) and coding on a desktop PC - yesterday Im starting to test a release version and create a setup project - already done. For testing I put the setup file on my old notebook - and ahhhhhhh can't believe it. My…

Cannot Assign x:Name to Elements Inside ContentControl in WPF UserControl
Hello, I have created a UserControl in WPF that contains a ContentControl. This ContentControl can accept any external content (Grid, StackPanel, TextBox, etc.). However, when I use the UserControl in another page and try to assign x:Name to elements…
How to set clipboard data with the image that is not local when setting?
Hi, I'm trying to implement a feature, "copy" operation in my web APP will call C# dll API to set the image files data into clipboard, the image files don't exist locally, when user do "paste" operation, the app downloads the image…
My dll cannot be deleted, so deployment fails suddenly
portalWeb deployment task failed. (Web Deploy cannot modify the file 'MyProgram.dll' on the destination because it is locked by an external process. In order to allow the publish operation to succeed, you may need to either restart your application to…
SSIS Script Task: Split a JSON array into a list
I have a JSON array of the form: "data": [ {"tag1": 1,"tag2": 2,"section1": {"tag3": "Dummy"},"tag4": 3,"array1": ["dummy","dummy"]}, {"tag1":…
Microsoft Extensibility SDK for C# for SQL Server
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/language-extensions/tutorials/search-for-string-using-regular-expressions-in-c-sharp?view=sql-server-ver16 As mentioned in the above link carried out all the steps. However when I execute below command I am getting…
SSIS DT_TEXT column contains alternating CHAR(0) characters
I have an SSIS package that is pulling JSON data from a REST source. This was originally pulling data as (DT_STR, 8000, 1252) and writing to a [varchar] column but we have started getting a couple of values than will not fit. I have changed the source to…
Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data (401) Unauthorized error
I have a c# application that is getting the following error: Error: Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceRequestException: The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized The app failes on the following line:…

Ho to control "Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.WebHost.Middleware.SystemTraceMiddleware" logs being sent to my Datadaog?
We have integrated the datadog for capturing the azure function application insights logs. Its taking too much of our datadog resources. How to control that? I tried many methods like putting different values in the host.json, But nothing is…
Detecting Microsoft patch updates
Hi All, I am looking for detecting Microsoft patch updates programmatically using C#. The idea is to know the patch update time on the windows machines. Any help is much appreciated. Regards, Pradeep Pasam
Method AppInstallManager.StartProductInstallAsync() not working on a service in release mode
Hi team, I’m trying to download a product using the method appinstallmanager.startproductInstallasync() on my service, but it seems to not be working. Actually, when I use it in debug, it works properly. But when I generate an msix and run it in release,…
NetworkStream read abends application
I am running into an issue where a read abends my application. Is there a way to handle it in a more soft way so I get the error data, but have it not stop my application. Is it a simply case of changing the LogError functions to a LogInfo? It is…
Why are Backspace, Enter, Navigation keys not working while editing any file in Visual Studio?
I am using Visual Studio Extensions, while creating a new solution through extension for the first time, we are only able to type alphabets. Backspace, Enter, Navigation keys are not working while editing any file. But when we force close the solution,…
WPF: Why BackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted Event() throw an exception and main thread does not receive it?
Our WPF application targets .NET 4.8. The AbortableBackgroundWorkder class inherences from the BackgroundWorker class and used as following. there are two background workers: _protocolProcessorBackgroundWorker..DoWork() will call …
'The instance of entity type 'Book' cannot be tracked' Error in Entity Framework and Displaying Uncommitted Changes in the UI
Hello, I encountered the following issue while working on my C# WPF project: I make updates to an entity on the UI side but do not send these changes to the database. Later, when listing the entity objects I updated on the UI side, I noticed that…
What change does the keyword "await" make?
Hello, Without "await" keyword FileStream.ReadAsync return "Task<int>". With "await" keyword FileStream.ReadAsync return "int". Could you please why this happened? What happens behind the scenes?
Excel formatting issue in C#
Hi All, I have a WPF application in which I am exporting data to excel. I have merged some cells and added some data to it. After printing I observed some formatting issue where some of the text is cutted and missing: _excelApp = new…
Azure function not showing up when running solution locally VS 2022
I've tried many permutations but with so many files and options I think that listing them would be overkill. I'm using Visual Studio 2022 on Windows 10 to create an Azure Functions app (in C# using .Net6 isolated). I am new to Azure Functions but I'm not…
Announcing Control Changes for Screen Readers in My WPF Project?
Hello everyone, In my WPF project, I want to implement screen reader support, particularly in registration forms, for visually impaired users. My goal is to ensure that changes in controls (e.g., textboxes, comboboxes, checkboxes, etc.) and error…