couldn't create bing search api resource
couldn't create bing search api resource the error is: …
Essential Programming Languages for Front-End Development
What are the essential programming languages, frameworks and skills to learn to become a front-end developer
Diese Version von Microsoft Copilot in Azure (Vorschau) unterstützt Deutsch nicht.
I tried to create a Bing Web Search API. During the process the following error occurred: "Diese Version von Microsoft Copilot in Azure (Vorschau) unterstützt Deutsch nicht."
Bing resources are suspended for the subscription
I can't create a Bing search resource. I get the following error: "Bing resources are suspended for the subscription"
Ongoing Bing Search API Error (503 error) and Request for Official Support Channel
Dear Support Team, I previously reported an issue with the Bing Search API last week, and I believed it had been resolved. However, starting from yesterday, the same issue has reoccurred. Despite using a higher-tier service (bing search S5), I am…
Bing Search API ERROR: 503, message='Service Unavailable'
Dear Support Team, I have been experiencing continuous errors since January 8, 2025 (2025.01.08). The error message is '503, Service Unavailable', and most of the API queries are failing. I verified that my API key is within the quota limits (QPS), so it…
How can I delay payment or prepay for API usage charges?
I am currently using the Bing Search V7 API on Microsoft Azure for research purposes, and I plan to charge the expenses through a project I am working on. To do so, I need to either prepay or delay the payment. Is there a way to manage this?
Can I use azure Bing Search resource with managed identity authentication?
Hey, I'm trying to use the Azure Bing Image Search resource with the v7 API, is there a way to authenticate this resource with AAD (managed identity) authentication instead of keys?
Bing Web Search API gives 0 results, but the same Bing search gives many
Given the query " software developer software engineer", as well as various variations of it (see below), the Bing Web Search API will return zero webpage results. However, Bing Search will return correctly filtered…
Bing resources are suspended for the subscription
I have the Azure subscription that I use to test different technologies. When I tried to create Bing Search API service I got an error: { "status": "Failed", "error": { "code":…
Bing resources are suspended for the subscription
I have the Azure subscription that I use to test web search. When I tried to create Bing Search API service I got an error: { "status": "Failed", "error": { "code": "Suspended", …
Bing resources are suspended for the subscription
I have the Azure subscription that I use to test different technologies. When I tried to create Bing Search API service I got an error: { "status": "Failed", "error": { "code":…
Cannot create Bing resource. It says that the service is suspended for the subscription
I trying to provision and instance of Azure Bing Search v7 service in my subcription. However, I keep receiving an error telling me that "Bing resources are suspended for the subscription". I have checked that the Microsoft.Bing provider is…
How to apply keyword search in Bing V7 Search API
I would like to use keyword search using the advanced search options such as AND, OR, +, () as per this page in bing search V7 API. It works fine when there are articles related to the given query and applied keyword, but when there are no relevant…
Passing searching results from Bing Search API to AOAI assistants
Good Day, Appreciate your all efforts, I was trying to follow guidelines here to pass the search result from Bing to Azure OpenAi Assistants, Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. There's no clear error, check attachments I just copy the output…
Problème parution bing
Bonjour j’ai un problème concernant la parution de mon domaine d’activité professionnelle sur le moteur de recherche bing. J’apparais comme « esthéticienne » sauf que je suis Kinésiologue ! Donc médecine alternative. Pouvez vous corriger l’erreur ?…
Error creating Bing Search v7 sku S1 resource via Azure Portal
Error { "status": "Failed", "error": { "code": "InternalServerError", "message": "Specified resource could not be retrieved" } } The raw error { …
Bing Search API returns the "Resource Not Found" error
I'm following the quickstart code here: I'm using a Bing Resource with the Free Tier. The endpoint I'm…
Why isn't mkt working in bing search api?
From the documentation, I expect to get Japanese results by specifying the follows: params = { "mkt": "ja-JP", "setLang": "jp", "q": search_term, "count": count, …
deindexed from bing
my website got deindexed from bing and in bing webmaster tools it is showing up as indexed and there is no such error