Unknown token received from SQL Server [SQLSTATE HY000] (Error 0)
Ever since the last patching window, we have some scheduled jobs on SQL production that are intermittently failing, producing the error "Unknown token received from SQL Server [SQLSTATE HY000] (Error 0)" The jobs run fine if they are not…
Hello,Is there any foundation certification for SQL if so, is training material provided and what's the cost
I need information on if there is any foundation level certification for sql that I can aquire. Also need to know if there is any training provide for the same and it's fees
In MS Access what is the maximum "length" of the field in a table with data type "long text"?
Hi, i cannot see the size of the field and i have difficulties entering data with length higher than 2500 as varchar (table from sql server). I increased the field size to 3000 but it is not working I connected to that table again thanks for any…
Windows 2022 Storage Space Direct - Disable Options
Our Customer wants to do the following and we are in need of some guidance. This is not limited to just one Customer, we have others now in the pipeline for this solution: By Default windows 2022 uses Storage Space Directs to validate the disks, however…
How to fix Failed to check for changes in table 'TableName' due to exception: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException
We have enabled Change tracking on a table (say Table_A) and built Azure SQL Trigger function to track changes. Few days later, we have added a new column (say Column_A) to the Table_A and re-deployed the Azure SQL Trigger function app. This working…
Availability Group is not connecting through Listener
I have set up 2 SQL VMs on Azure with VPN we connect to those VMs and it is a single subnet , No Public IP is used. but the listener is only accessible from Node1 when Node1's Availability group is primary and the listener is not accessible from Node1…
SSMS Startup. Package did not load correctly.
I have installed SQL server and SSMS. Upon starting SSMS i get the following error message. This is followed with about 4 other popup boxes saying things like “visual studio common IDE package” did not load correctly. Please help me diagnose this error.

Unable to update connection credentials. Logging into Sql server failed. Possible reasons for this error include an invalid authentication mode, a missing login in Sql server, a login from an untrusted domain or a problem contacting the domain controller
facing issue with connecting sql server to power bi service, in desktop this is working properly and also able to refresh but in service getting error.

SQL Server 2022 Developer Edition - Installation of the SSIS Integration Services
Hello to all, I have been trying to do the one Integration Services installation on my SQL Server 2022 Developer Edition environment. Unfortunately I always get errors during the installation, these are mainly related to the installation of Microsoft OLE…
SQL Server 2022 Developer Edition - Installation of the SSIS Integration Services
Hello to all, I have been trying to do the one Integration Services installation on my SQL Server 2022 Developer Edition environment. Unfortunately I always get errors during the installation, these are mainly related to the installation of Microsoft OLE…
Private endpoint as cloud witness for clustering supported ?
Windows cluster in Azure , two VMS ( for now ) Storage account standard gen 2 with min TLS 1.0 ( just in case ) and network access cut ( only to be done via PE) Private endpoint lies in a nearby subnet of the source, auto approved, dns registered.…
SQL Server 2019/.2022 Express Launchpad service failed to start
I installed SQL Server 2019 Express on Windows 11 Pro 24H2 (with 250 GB HD, and 8 GB RAM) with ML services. It is a standalone machine and it is not a Domain Controller. The installation went fine. However I am unable to test R, Python, Java because the…

Issue access SQL - Error: Netlogon has failed an additional 1583 authentication requests in the last 30 minutes.
Any idea on how to fix this? " Netlogon has failed an additional 1583 authentication requests in the last 30 minutes. The requests timed out before they could be sent to domain controller (DC) in domain example.com. Please see…

SQL Express installation fails. Getting Exit code (Decimal): -2068052294 the setup failed
I am using a brand new laptop that I just bought a few months ago. It is a Windows laptop 7. I tried to download SLQ Express a few times. The first few times I tried, I thought the program failed because of the firewall, but after I turned it off, the…

SSMS Query Store Regressed queries - buttons don't have tooltips
Hi, I'm trying to analyze information in the Query Store. I started from the top report Regressed Queries which showed nothing for me, but I noticed that several buttons on the right don't have tool tips and it's hard to figure out what they are for. My…

Why is Azure SQL DB used space larger than physical server storage used space?
We have an Azure SQL Server database and a physical server with a SQL Server database. The databases have the same structure, and we store similar data on both (different servers for different clients), and we've been using the physical server for longer…

SSIS XML write file task - how to preserve empty values?
Hi, We have SSIS package that writes XMLs into files. We have stored procedure that generates XML and outputs it as XML with tags like this <MiddleName> </MiddleName>. In other words, there is a space (intentional) inside the tags. We have…

SQL Server xp_copy_files security thoughts and able to specify files older than only?
Hello noticed somewhat of a new recent feature xp_copy_files (for SQL Server2019 & higher) which we have SQL Server 2022 (believe most things similarly were done previously via xp_cmdshell which had security concerns). Is it correct to say…

SSMS 18.6 Object Explorer Details view no longer working?
Hi everybody, I want to confirm something. I believe I used to be able to highlight a table in SSMS, click F7 and bring its columns into separate window and then can highlight columns I need and drop them into code window. I'm using the latest SSMS…
Creating LinkedServer between On-Prem SQL to Azure SQL MI
Hi, is it possible to use security option (Be made using the login's current security context )with lnikedserver from on-prem SQL to MI ? Our MI is enabled for windows auth and we are successfully connect MI in SSMS using windows auth from on-prem…