I changed the language settings of the text box to de-DE and it helps without having to do any changes in the expression.
How can I change the thousand separator from comma(,) to point(.); from US to European format?
I want to change the way numbers are displayed from 1,411,344.95 to 1.411.344,95.
2 answers
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Joyzhao-MSFT 15,606 Reputation points
2022-01-21T02:53:45.897+00:00 Hi @Nimisha Vernekar ,
As you are asking for dot(.) as 1000 separator, I am assuming that you do not have decimal points in number.Now, if your filed is SalesAmount
=Replace(Format(Fields!SalesAmount.Value, "#,###0"),",",".")
And if you have decimals ( but now you will not able to distinguish separator and decimal point)
=Replace(Format(Fields!SalesAmount.Value, "#,###0.00"),",",".")
Only issue with the approach would be, when you export to excel not this column will treated as text.
Best Regards,
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