HDInsight cluster is failing when upgrading the version to 4.0
Hi Team,
I am getting this error :
Operation on target Txxxxxx failed: Hadoop job failed with exit code '2'. See 'wasbs://******@sc1admadstg01.blob.core.windows.net/HiveQueryJobs/c269912c-700d-4907-a4d9-4e51ae0096ca/02_08_2021_06_47_21_708/Status/stderr' for more details. Alternatively, open the Ambari UI on the HDI cluster and find the logs for the job 'job_1627886449866_0002'. Contact HDInsight team for further support.
this error is random and usually happens when i manually run the pipeline.
HDinsight cluster creates the cluster but i guess then it fails while running hive query.
the pipeline runs successfully at 3.6 version of HDInsight cluster Linked Service and it gives the above mentioned error when i upgrade the version to 4.0.