Too much time searching and more confused. Difference between optional packages with executable code and add ons? I want to monetize an UWP app by adding new features, using optional package (which was what I thought they were used for). So i dev that optional packages and test them from my main app, everything ok. Now, time to publish it. Go to partner center, create an addon, configure it and...ups!, where is the package send section? There is only a send addon button to pass the certification. I click it and after 15 min, voilá, my "non-submitted-optional-package" has passed the certification check. Ok, reread Microsoft Learn...mmmm, seems that
there are some points about optional packages:
To submit an app that uses optional packages and/or related sets to the Microsoft Store, you will need permission. Optional packages and related sets can be used for Line of Business (LOB) or enterprise apps without Partner Center permission if they are not submitted to the Store. See Windows developer support to get permission to submit an app that uses optional packages and related sets.
And at the end of https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-dev-appconsult/supporting-a-modular-windows-application-with-msix-and-optional/ba-p/1124865#
Before closing the post, there's an important caveat to keep in mind. You can't publish a modification package or an optional package on the Microsoft Store. As such, everything we have seen in this post applies only for enterprise distribution or sideloading.
Ok, no time to try to find the correct way to submit a simple free ticket to get that permission. If I get it, will i be able to use optional packages to monetize my app? Will be there another section in the partner center to submit optional packages?
But wait, then, what is an addon? Do i have to code all features on main app and block them until user buys the addon? As I said I have submitted the addon, but not the updated main app (that for now uses optional package and not that supposed "addon process", although it has all the code for retrieving info and purchasing addons from the store).