Purview aggregateURL property sometimes missing for assets
After a full scan of folders and files in an ADLS file share, we've noticed Purview's aggregateURL property is missing for some files and folder names. The assets have their qualifiedName and other properties present which is great, but we really need to retrieve the aggregateURL for each asset via API.
Why is aggregateURL sometimes missing? How is this controlled/configured?
Why do we need it? We badly need the aggregateURL because when present it contains the "real" name of the asset, before the dreaded resource sets feature screws around with all the asset names (and creating custom pattern rules to handle this is way too laborious and error-prone).
- The asset's physical file name in ADLS: /my-file-share/Subfolder1/Subfolder2/sample_text_file2.txt
- The corrupted qualifiedName property in Purview after scanning: https://my.file.core.windows.net/my-file-share/Subfolder{N}/Subfolder{N}/sample_text_file{N}.txt
- The occasionally seen aggregateURL property: https://my.file.core.windows.net/my-file-share/Subfolder1/Subfolder2/sample_text_file2.txt <-this is VERY useful to us and we want to see it for every asset... but how?