In order to help can you provide the full ARM template that you use to deploy the metric alert and also the JSON from the metrics alert you have deployed in sandbox? As far as I understood the alert for sandbox you create via Azure Portal where the alert for production you create via ARM template, correct? I am not sure why you have mentioned log alert. There is a screenshot of some log alert but there is no information how it is created and configured. From the screenshots the full information is not clear as parts of the alerts configurations are cut off. Take also into consideration that alert fires if the configured threshold is hit. As it is metric alert you may even be targeting different resources that may result in one hitting the threshold where another it does not which causes one to fire alert and the other to not.
Update: customer is using old concept for alerts Create a metric alert in Azure Monitor Logs. Recommendation is not to use those type of alerts as those are old concept from early days of Log Analytics alerts when they did not support stateful alerts and 1 minute frequency. I have suggested to use metric alerts or Log alerts to avoid future problems.
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